Friday, April 30, 2010

And here we go again.

So it seems my insomnia is back. After a nice long break it has decided to return. Or it did return after Ollie was born but I was already not sleeping because he wasn't sleeping and I just didn't notice. I had the day off work today and I took Ollie in to see Tabitha, she wasn't there the last time I brought him so she hasn't seen him for a long time. He was quiet the whole time, sitting on Francyne's desk, staring at Karine, and then walking holding Tabitha's hand. Tab and Karine kind of fought over who got to hold him, both of them telling him he was growing too quickly lol. Ollie kept looking at Karine the whole time though, now and then he would look at Tabitha but he was fixated on Karine, who said he was lighter than he looks lol.

Our taxes were done today. We took them into the accountants office to get them done. Paid 175$ only to find out when we were checking them over at home on the cd they gave us that they had done them wrong. Lovely. So now they are going to have to fix something on Jonathans and then send in an amendment so we will most likely be paying less on his taxes. You figure that since they know how to do this that there wouldnt be a mistake, thats why we took it to them because we had all the papers from my preventative leave and maternity leave to put in we just wanted to make sure it was done properly. Mine was, his wasn't and Jonathans was the easier one to do as well.

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