Monday, April 12, 2010

Just the two....errrr three of us!

So when I was 5 months pregnant my aunt told us about my cousins baby always sleeping in bed with him and his fiancee. Jonathan I were adamant from the first day Olivier would sleep in his own crib. And he did! From the first night he was home, thats where he slept. And he was a pretty good sleeper too! We had the odd night where one of us would sleep with him on our chest on the couch but never in bed. Until the first time he got a cold, we were in Halifax and my dads guest room as 2 twin beds, Ollie slept with me in my bed and after that back into his own. No problems. Well these past 2 weeks it's all changed. 2 weeks ago Olivier got a cold. A bad one, he was so congested in his nose he wouldn't sleep anywhere, not in his crib or his swing (which we still use on occasion). So Jonathan would lay down with him so Olivier would nap. No big deal it was just a bit harder to put him down for a nap but for the most part the night time was okay. Then 2 days later, he woke up one night and would not go back to bed. I had to work the next day so I brought him into bed with us...big mistake. He has now slept with us every night since. He was back to napping in his bed...until this past weekend when he got yet another cold (stupid day care germs!) this time he had a really bad cough and chest congestion. No napping anywheres but in our bed. Last night I though we had a breakthrough! I was able to put Olivier to sleep and in bed by 7.30! Then he woke up up screaming an hour later after coughing. Jonathan went to bed with him. He loves sleeping in bed with us, he's out like a light within minutes and sleeps great. He wakes up now and then but he just sits up between the two of us and plays with the blankets or crawls on one of us. We've created a co-sleeping monster.

Today me and Olivier went for a walk and found a park! The first visit to a park! He went in the swings for the first time and loved it! I'll put a few more pictures at the end of the post. The faster and higher he went the more and more he laughed. I believe as Ollie gets older we will be making many hospital visits because I swear he's a daredevil. His absolute favorite thing is to be thrown around, and pretend to 'fall'. We pretend to throw him in the air and then drop him (from a foot off the bed) onto the bed and you'll never hear this kid laugh louder. He'll be jumping up and down in his crib and fall over and think its hilarious. What have I gotten myself into? lol

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