Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is that scale righ? Are you sure? Wow.

So we just got home from Ollie's 9 month check up! No vaccines this time, just a visit with Dr. Besnair to make sure he's doing well. Before we even went into her office she said she didn't even think the visit was necessary since Olivier didn't want to stay on my lap, so I held his fingers and he walked around the waiting room. She said walking at 9 months was huge. So we were in the room and he again didn't want to stay in my lap...he rarely does anymore, he want to investigate and the Dr's office was a new place to investigate so he went off crawling around her. He is perfect, except for his cold. At 9 months he only weighs 19 lbs 2 oz (between the 10th and 25th percentile) and is 28.5 inches long (perfectly average at 50%). He can start to have homo milk BUT since he doesn't like to take his bottle at daycare, just at home and we're lucky to get 3 in a day, she wants him to stay strictly formula for a little while longer. She's not worried about his weight, she said if he's hungry feed him, if he's not, don't (duh lol) but that he is eating enough food so its nothing to worry about.  He started to eat what we eat this week....Shepherds Pie on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday we had some chicken, and yesterday some spaghetti (which was not a hit. We cut it up small so he could feed himself....he dumped it on himself and played with it while screaming lol oh well maybe next time)

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