Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's been how long?!? Are you sure it wasn't yesterday?

My little booter is 9 months old today! This is really the first time where I was like, Wow, he's getting so big! Where did the time go? I've been so enthralled watching him get bigger and doing more things I didn't actually realize he was getting bigger! This week was a week of milestones! On Monday he started crawling, and then on Wednesday he finally got his first tooth! Its been 6 days and Ollie has become a crawling machine, he goes all over the place, his latest obsession is the recycling bin so we put that out on the patio for now, it has to be emptied anyways and then we will put it in the laundry room. We have to put up the baby gates now, but we are having a hard time figuring it out. We want to block off the bathroom because Ruby's litter box is in there but we can't because Ruby's litter box is in there and until she learns to jump the gates she'll be stuck. Then I wanted to put it in the hallway  but the litter box issue is in play again. Speaking of Miss Ruby she's been sitting around the baby when he plays on the floor, as if she's baby sitting him lol. But the second he gets close she's on the run :P she knows him well enough to know that he'll get a fistful of fur or pull on her tail or paws if he sees an opening. He got her tail the other day, all she did was let out a little cry but stayed where she was, didn't try to run away or anything. She is getting much better with him, he doesn't scare her anymore either.

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