Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So this means I'm going to win the lottery right?

Well they say bad things come in 3's. That after a ton of bad and stressful things in your life happening at once you're due for good luck right? So does this mean I'm going to win the jackpot? First my mom's heart surgery. Then Marc-Andre's back surgery. Then my Aunt Debbie has to have an MRI for a possible aneurysm, then my work stuff, and now my grandfather is dying. I found out over the weekend my grandfather was admitted to the hospital for difficulty breathing. They found a polyp or mass or something on his lungs and also drained more than a liter of fluid from his lungs and did a biopsy on Sunday. Yesterday around 6 I was giving the baby a bath when my mom called. The results were in and my Grandpa Wiseman has terminal lung cancer. We don't know yet how long he has left, next week he has an appointment with the oncologist to figure everything out I guess. We do know that he must not have a long time because my grandma asked the dr if she should get my uncle Marc to come right away to see grandpa and they said yes you should. I got a hold of Stephane last night and he is going to try and come for a visit as well but my mom wants him to wait until at least next week, Grandpa should be back home by then. We found out tonight that after my grandfather dies my grandma will be going to live with my mom and Don and she is selling the house, I can't blame her, its a pretty big house and if she's along its going to seem even bigger and lonely and more depressing.

On a more positive note, Ollie crawled yesterday for the first time, well more than just one arm movement forward before face planting, and he's also 'walking' around the apartment if we hold his hands. And the tooth! almost through by the looks of it, but now that I've said that, its not going to show up, he'll be 9 months and toothless.

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