Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Competition? Doesn't that mean we compete? How does that work when I always win??

Well I got sent home today from work. My first day back and I get sent home after 3 hours because I don't look too well and I am hacking up a lung and people think I am contagious. Whatever.

It's pretty much official now. I will be going back to school part time in the fall. Nights. One or two classes depending on the amount of hours (some are only once a week, others are twice). I'm excited, while I like my job and the people I work with, it's definitely not what I want to be doing in 5 years that's for sure, let alone in 15.

Jonathan and I have been talking about what we want to do this summer. We don't have a lot of money at the moment so we are just thinking a long weekend someplace. I want to go to Boston. My friend Dylan is there, and I love him to death, he's like a brother to me (and I have several so its not like I'm lacking in brothers either lol) or to New York, maybe Syracuse, where my friend Shawna lives with little Miss Ireland (who was born 2 weeks before Ollie). I don't know, we shall see what we come up with. I'd like to do both if I can get away with it, one in early summer and one in late summer maybe. But I still have to find out when my dad will be here because I don't want to go away when he is here, plus he wants to see the baby I'm sure (right dad? I know you're reading this lol). And as the title implies, I usually win so it just may happen

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