Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Month of Melanie has begun, sit back and enjoy the show, I know I will!

This evening, while chatting on MSN, my friend Lauren informed me that I needed to update my blog, so this post is just for her. In all honesty I had been meaning too, I just haven't gotten around to it. I've been kinda busy and such. But right now everyone is in bed (and I should be too since I got up at the ungodly hour of 5.30 this morning), but I'm not. Because I'm here. Who am I kidding, I'm actually on Facebook. Like usual.

Today was my first Mothers Day. It was good. I got a pretty necklace and earrings. They haven't arrived though, even though Jonathan bought them a week ago and paid the extra shipping to have them sent express they didn't arrive on time, oh well, the mail is starting back again tomorrow so I'm sure it'll be there. After that we got ribs for supper, which is great because I have been craving them for weeks now. I called my mom, she wasn't there and my stepmom, she wasn't there either. I left a message for my step mom saying I would call back. I forgot until 20 minutes ago and its past 10 in Halifax so now its too late to call. I called my mom back and talked to her for about 10 seconds. She's tired. She's spending the next 2 nights at my grandparents place helping my grandma with my grandpa. Then my Aunt Debbie goes for a few nights then my get the idea.

Chantal knows when she is coming house hunting...on the 19th until the 26th! I'm excited, a week of Chantal here. I wont get to see her a ton since they will be looking for house but still a couple times is better than none. Then on the 27th birthday. Yea theres not much enthusiasm for anything but a present, because I'm turning 27 this year. Thats right 3 years away from the big 3-0. Wow. When did I get so old??

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