Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year...A new body?

So much for making a post at least once a week. But I'm back, the holidays were a killer! Christmas Eve was spent with my moms family, and we opened all our presents. I got a Wii!! FINALLY! I've wanted one since the summer when me, Jonathan, my dad and Whitney played at my Aunt Lises house. And when we went out shopping we bought Wii Active. Its soooooo much fun, but sooooooo much work! We started the 30 day challened 4 days ago and I swear today almost killed me! I was going on like 5 hours sleep so I was yawning the entire time, but I did the whole work out thats what counts! I have to lose all this baby weight plus some.

On Christmas Eve my dad called, but I wasn't home and I was sad when I listened to the voicemail knowing I could have talked to him. But he called on New Years Day and I talked to him then! Only for abou 10 minutes but its better than nothing! He was going on a safari today.

Christmas day Ollie decided to start his day 5.30, after going to bed at 1 am, needless to say, we were beat at the end of the day. We spent Christmas morning/lunch with my dad's family, and then Christmas dinner with my moms family again. Boxing day we headed out in the freezing rain to get a new digital box for our new tv and I got the first two volumes of the Glee soundtrack, my new favorite show this season, Ollie loves the music too, we sing and dance to it all the time. We didn't do much New Years Eve, stayed in and watched Canada v USA in the world juniors (canada won in the shoot out!) and went to bed before midnight, the life of new parents! We did have a bottle of cheap chamagne, and it tasted cheap lol, but oh well, its the thought that counts! Jonathan goes back to work on Monday and we have to head out shopping this week too, we are low on water, formula, eggs, cat food, and clothes that fit the baby! Ollie turns 6 months on the 17th and is starting to grow out of some of his 3-6 months clothes (the picture he is wearing 6 months, but he has a pair of 3-6 months pj's that are still big, go figure, and he is still wearing some 0-3 months onesies). I'm looking forward to that, right now I much prefer buying clothes for Ollie than I do for myself! I'm going to post a few pictures from our holidays!

Christmas Eve

Wishing Grandpa Paul a Merry Christmas on the ship

With Great Grandma Cote

With Great Aunt Lise in Mia's exersaucer

Sitting on my own

Being silly

Go Canada Go!

Ollie's favorite toy, the jumperoo!

1 comment:

  1. hey, update us on how the Wii Fit works! We were thinking of getting it too, since I hate working out! I figured a video game might be more fun=)
