Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wha...? Whats my name again??

The shirt says it all! Ollie is not napping very well lately. The last three days he's napped a total of about an hour each day. And on Tuesday night he had an hour long freak out session. After some orajel and some infant Tylenol, he calmed down enough to eat his bottle and fall asleep, at 7 pm, for 12 hours. Hasn't happened since! Last night it was at 9 and woke up this morning at 5! At least I was able to bring him to bed with me and Ollie fell asleep faster than when he's in his crib. It's not fun because I've been dealing with some insomnia again, happens all the time, and my neck and shoulder have been hurting all week, at one point I had a headache for 4 days. The good news is I've been able to sleep on my back for the last 3 nights and no pain, a first since the baby was born so I guess I'm finally recovering from that HORRID spinal for my c-section.

Ollie started to play with a sippy cup in his high chair after meals. I put a bit of water in it and then give it to him. When I hold it for him he knows what to do, he sucks and gets the water so then I let him take it, and he holds it well, but chews on the spout rather than drink!

I haven't heard from my dad for a few days so I think that the network systems for the ship must be down or are down for a mission or something, I've sent him some pictures but he's never written back like he usually does.

And for the best news of all! Yesterday I got a text from my best friend back home, Chantal, and her husband might be getting transfered to where we live! They'll find out for sure in April/May but they could be here by the end of the summer! I'm so excited! We've barely had the opportunity to spend time together and it really sucks considering how close we were. I've only gotten to meet her children once, and Tristan is turning 3 in March and Kylie is turning 1! Chantal wants the posting for a change of scenery so lets hope it happens, I would be exstatic if it did! Plus it would be for at least 3 years and that would mean she'd be here for the next baby too!

Ollie and I spent Tuesday with my friend Jenn, we went to Bayshore to do a bit of shopping and chatting. We'll just say that our time together is never dull!

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