Thursday, January 7, 2010

Did you hear about....?

So Ollie and i went to the theater by ourselves today, our own little date, and saw Did you hear about the Morgans? I liked it, Ollie slept almost the entire time save for a few minutes at the start but he got a little hungry and fell asleep eating his bottle. I slipped him into his stroller with the backrest down and he slept the rest of the movie. We had fun, we got there early and Ollie liked looking up at all of the things hanging from the ceiling in the lobby, all the colors and stuff. Then once we went and sat down he stood on my lap and watched all the people behind us and screeched at them and smiled and jumped up and down.

Yesterday we went shopping! Got all kinds of new clothes for Olivier. The childrens place was having a sale so we got a bunch of polo shirts for 8$ each, jeans (reg price unfornutealty, but they were2 for 30$) and a few other t-shirts and a pair of shoes. Then at old navy he got a sweater and a hoodie that says heartbreaker on it, I'll have to get a picture of him in it when he's next to a little girl lol.

Jessica asked me to update on the Wii Active and the only thing I can say is GET THIS! OMG I love doing it! we are doing the 30 day challenge (started on Dec 27) and its lots of fun, and a great workout, the only thing I can say is make sure you start on a friday because the 2 days afterwards you are SORE, but I highly reccomened it to anyone and everyone, its a lot of fun and Jonathan likes to do it too, I'm so so so happy we got it!


  1. awesome! We will have to get it for sure! I definitely need something like that!! What size is Ollie in now? I feel like Harper goes through clothes so fast!

  2. he's in 3-6 a little still, he's only just starting to grow out of some of it, and just going into 6-9 months. He sticks with his sizes pretty good I think.
