Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You have got to be kidding me!

Now thats a face I love to see in the morning! I took this, along with a few others, the other day when Ollie was playing in his crib, he was supposed to be napping (just like right now, he's supposed to be sleeping but I can hear baby giggles coming from his crib). Ollie has decided that he no longer wants to sleep through the night and in fact he would rather not fall asleep at all. What he doesn't know is that mama always wins and he will fall asleep at some point, no matter how much he fights it!

Yesterday we went and got Olivier his new car seat! He was getting too long for his infant one and was always crying when we would put him in it so i guess he was feeling stuck as well. After a trip to sears to buy it, then another one to return it then another trip to toys r us we ended up getting Ollie an Evenflo Symphony. After he woke up from his nap I put him in it and he didn't cry one time, in fact he was laughing and smiling so I guess he likes it, we'll put it in the car today when Jonathan gets home from work. I got 2 pictures of him in it and everyone keeps commenting on how small he looks, but it was made to start with babies at 5 lbs so I can only imagine how small they would look if Ollie, who is probably around 17 lbs give or take (more give than take I think) looks small.

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