Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting bigger!

So we had Ollie's 6 month appointment with Dr. Besnare today. I love Ollie's doctor, she's young and really nice, and always listens to all my worries and doesn't make me feel like and idiot. Ollie now weighs 17 lbs and 7.5 oz (50th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (just under 50th percentile). He's coming along great with his development and he's strong. She was a little worried to hear that he's been coughing and doesn't have a cold, and that his reflux is back, she told us that if it continues this week to call her on Monday and she would make an appointment with the pediatric specialist at the hospital that we saw back in October for Ollie's reflux. I also asked her about asthma because it runs in my family, me, Whitney and Stephane all have it and so does my grandma and some of my aunts and extended family, and she told us that under 6 years of age they call it something else, but not asthma, for now though she doesn't think it will be a problem but I think she's going to keep an eye on it for sure. As we were leaving we ran into a woman we know from our prenatal class, she was there with her twin girls, Aurélie (one of my names I loved for a girl) and Jasmine, they looked nothing alike, one had blond hair and blue eyes the other had dark hair and brown eyes! We spoke with Isabelle for a few minutes before we left.

I go back to work on Mar 29th. I'm not looking forward to it all, partly because I don't want to work at my work anymore, I want a job where I am off on the weekends and I don't work on holidays, and partly because I don't want to leave Ollie with a day care (they cost a fortune here until you get off the waiting list for a 7$ a day but that list is like 2 years long) and someone I don't know. We have a feeling we will have to go with an in home day care because the centers have long waiting lists. I really didn't want an in home one because you just don't know for certain what the people are really like, and there is usually just one adult so you just don't know what happens there, but on the positive side there are less children therefore Ollie would get a little more attention (depending on how many kids are there). Maybe if Chantal and Tony do end up moving here I may ask her if she would watch Ollie for us during the day.

Because  I want my weekends and holidays off I am going back to school part time for Financial Management. Its a 13 course certificate and some of the classes can exempt me from a few different certification classes which is nice, and I can work in either the government or a private company. I'll take a class or two each semester (depending on the schedule maybe a 3rd), even in the spring and summer, and I should finish it pretty quickly I think. I'm really looking forward to it.

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