Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seriously? Seriously!

I hate the tooth fairy, soon I'm gonna whoop her (or his if you've seen the new Disney movie) ass. Seriously. Ollie has been teething since before October. That's right, October. It wasn't too bad back then, just chewing on us and drooling a lot, with the odd day where he would be uncomfortable. But then December came along, it was worse, but not too bad, I was sure something was near, he had a bump on his right side gum on the bottom, his gums were swollen, I thought, Yay! Finally a tooth! But no, two days later it was as if it never happened. Three false alarms later we are now at the end of January, without a tooth to be seen. And Ollie has been a teething monster this past week. Last night I slept horribly, he cried, he wanted to be held, he's rubbing his ear (right side) his gums are swollen, he's got a red bum, pink cheeks, a slight raise in temperature (just under half a degree C), he's cranky, whiny, and everything else our Dr's 6-9 month handout said he would be with 'imminent tooth eruption'. I'll believe it when I see it.

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