Friday, April 30, 2010

And here we go again.

So it seems my insomnia is back. After a nice long break it has decided to return. Or it did return after Ollie was born but I was already not sleeping because he wasn't sleeping and I just didn't notice. I had the day off work today and I took Ollie in to see Tabitha, she wasn't there the last time I brought him so she hasn't seen him for a long time. He was quiet the whole time, sitting on Francyne's desk, staring at Karine, and then walking holding Tabitha's hand. Tab and Karine kind of fought over who got to hold him, both of them telling him he was growing too quickly lol. Ollie kept looking at Karine the whole time though, now and then he would look at Tabitha but he was fixated on Karine, who said he was lighter than he looks lol.

Our taxes were done today. We took them into the accountants office to get them done. Paid 175$ only to find out when we were checking them over at home on the cd they gave us that they had done them wrong. Lovely. So now they are going to have to fix something on Jonathans and then send in an amendment so we will most likely be paying less on his taxes. You figure that since they know how to do this that there wouldnt be a mistake, thats why we took it to them because we had all the papers from my preventative leave and maternity leave to put in we just wanted to make sure it was done properly. Mine was, his wasn't and Jonathans was the easier one to do as well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Competition? Doesn't that mean we compete? How does that work when I always win??

Well I got sent home today from work. My first day back and I get sent home after 3 hours because I don't look too well and I am hacking up a lung and people think I am contagious. Whatever.

It's pretty much official now. I will be going back to school part time in the fall. Nights. One or two classes depending on the amount of hours (some are only once a week, others are twice). I'm excited, while I like my job and the people I work with, it's definitely not what I want to be doing in 5 years that's for sure, let alone in 15.

Jonathan and I have been talking about what we want to do this summer. We don't have a lot of money at the moment so we are just thinking a long weekend someplace. I want to go to Boston. My friend Dylan is there, and I love him to death, he's like a brother to me (and I have several so its not like I'm lacking in brothers either lol) or to New York, maybe Syracuse, where my friend Shawna lives with little Miss Ireland (who was born 2 weeks before Ollie). I don't know, we shall see what we come up with. I'd like to do both if I can get away with it, one in early summer and one in late summer maybe. But I still have to find out when my dad will be here because I don't want to go away when he is here, plus he wants to see the baby I'm sure (right dad? I know you're reading this lol). And as the title implies, I usually win so it just may happen

Monday, April 26, 2010

When I get sick its not done half way!

Sooo. Apparently, according to the nurse and the doctor that saw me today, my cold and Ollie's cold= not the same thing. While he has just a cold I have Bronchitis and Sinusitis (otherwise known as a sinus infection). I got sent home from work this morning after 20 minutes and the nurse telling me to go to a walk in clinic. So off I went. 8 hours later I find out I need antibiotics for the next 10 days and I need to take my puffers, both of them, every day for at least the next 10 days, 4 times for one and 2 for the other a day.

Ollie sprouted tooth numero dos during the night, a night of crying every 20 minutes. Needless to say, I have not been getting much sleep.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Is that scale righ? Are you sure? Wow.

So we just got home from Ollie's 9 month check up! No vaccines this time, just a visit with Dr. Besnair to make sure he's doing well. Before we even went into her office she said she didn't even think the visit was necessary since Olivier didn't want to stay on my lap, so I held his fingers and he walked around the waiting room. She said walking at 9 months was huge. So we were in the room and he again didn't want to stay in my lap...he rarely does anymore, he want to investigate and the Dr's office was a new place to investigate so he went off crawling around her. He is perfect, except for his cold. At 9 months he only weighs 19 lbs 2 oz (between the 10th and 25th percentile) and is 28.5 inches long (perfectly average at 50%). He can start to have homo milk BUT since he doesn't like to take his bottle at daycare, just at home and we're lucky to get 3 in a day, she wants him to stay strictly formula for a little while longer. She's not worried about his weight, she said if he's hungry feed him, if he's not, don't (duh lol) but that he is eating enough food so its nothing to worry about.  He started to eat what we eat this week....Shepherds Pie on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday we had some chicken, and yesterday some spaghetti (which was not a hit. We cut it up small so he could feed himself....he dumped it on himself and played with it while screaming lol oh well maybe next time)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's been how long?!? Are you sure it wasn't yesterday?

My little booter is 9 months old today! This is really the first time where I was like, Wow, he's getting so big! Where did the time go? I've been so enthralled watching him get bigger and doing more things I didn't actually realize he was getting bigger! This week was a week of milestones! On Monday he started crawling, and then on Wednesday he finally got his first tooth! Its been 6 days and Ollie has become a crawling machine, he goes all over the place, his latest obsession is the recycling bin so we put that out on the patio for now, it has to be emptied anyways and then we will put it in the laundry room. We have to put up the baby gates now, but we are having a hard time figuring it out. We want to block off the bathroom because Ruby's litter box is in there but we can't because Ruby's litter box is in there and until she learns to jump the gates she'll be stuck. Then I wanted to put it in the hallway  but the litter box issue is in play again. Speaking of Miss Ruby she's been sitting around the baby when he plays on the floor, as if she's baby sitting him lol. But the second he gets close she's on the run :P she knows him well enough to know that he'll get a fistful of fur or pull on her tail or paws if he sees an opening. He got her tail the other day, all she did was let out a little cry but stayed where she was, didn't try to run away or anything. She is getting much better with him, he doesn't scare her anymore either.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So this means I'm going to win the lottery right?

Well they say bad things come in 3's. That after a ton of bad and stressful things in your life happening at once you're due for good luck right? So does this mean I'm going to win the jackpot? First my mom's heart surgery. Then Marc-Andre's back surgery. Then my Aunt Debbie has to have an MRI for a possible aneurysm, then my work stuff, and now my grandfather is dying. I found out over the weekend my grandfather was admitted to the hospital for difficulty breathing. They found a polyp or mass or something on his lungs and also drained more than a liter of fluid from his lungs and did a biopsy on Sunday. Yesterday around 6 I was giving the baby a bath when my mom called. The results were in and my Grandpa Wiseman has terminal lung cancer. We don't know yet how long he has left, next week he has an appointment with the oncologist to figure everything out I guess. We do know that he must not have a long time because my grandma asked the dr if she should get my uncle Marc to come right away to see grandpa and they said yes you should. I got a hold of Stephane last night and he is going to try and come for a visit as well but my mom wants him to wait until at least next week, Grandpa should be back home by then. We found out tonight that after my grandfather dies my grandma will be going to live with my mom and Don and she is selling the house, I can't blame her, its a pretty big house and if she's along its going to seem even bigger and lonely and more depressing.

On a more positive note, Ollie crawled yesterday for the first time, well more than just one arm movement forward before face planting, and he's also 'walking' around the apartment if we hold his hands. And the tooth! almost through by the looks of it, but now that I've said that, its not going to show up, he'll be 9 months and toothless.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just the two....errrr three of us!

So when I was 5 months pregnant my aunt told us about my cousins baby always sleeping in bed with him and his fiancee. Jonathan I were adamant from the first day Olivier would sleep in his own crib. And he did! From the first night he was home, thats where he slept. And he was a pretty good sleeper too! We had the odd night where one of us would sleep with him on our chest on the couch but never in bed. Until the first time he got a cold, we were in Halifax and my dads guest room as 2 twin beds, Ollie slept with me in my bed and after that back into his own. No problems. Well these past 2 weeks it's all changed. 2 weeks ago Olivier got a cold. A bad one, he was so congested in his nose he wouldn't sleep anywhere, not in his crib or his swing (which we still use on occasion). So Jonathan would lay down with him so Olivier would nap. No big deal it was just a bit harder to put him down for a nap but for the most part the night time was okay. Then 2 days later, he woke up one night and would not go back to bed. I had to work the next day so I brought him into bed with us...big mistake. He has now slept with us every night since. He was back to napping in his bed...until this past weekend when he got yet another cold (stupid day care germs!) this time he had a really bad cough and chest congestion. No napping anywheres but in our bed. Last night I though we had a breakthrough! I was able to put Olivier to sleep and in bed by 7.30! Then he woke up up screaming an hour later after coughing. Jonathan went to bed with him. He loves sleeping in bed with us, he's out like a light within minutes and sleeps great. He wakes up now and then but he just sits up between the two of us and plays with the blankets or crawls on one of us. We've created a co-sleeping monster.

Today me and Olivier went for a walk and found a park! The first visit to a park! He went in the swings for the first time and loved it! I'll put a few more pictures at the end of the post. The faster and higher he went the more and more he laughed. I believe as Ollie gets older we will be making many hospital visits because I swear he's a daredevil. His absolute favorite thing is to be thrown around, and pretend to 'fall'. We pretend to throw him in the air and then drop him (from a foot off the bed) onto the bed and you'll never hear this kid laugh louder. He'll be jumping up and down in his crib and fall over and think its hilarious. What have I gotten myself into? lol

Friday, April 9, 2010

The best part of me is always you

So yesterday I only got to see the baby for 45 minutes before he went to daycare. I had to work at 3 and Jonathan doesn't get off work until 4 so Olivier went to daycare and then I finished after he went to sleep. Needless to say it was a long day. I'm not talking about work other than to say I'm looking for a new job.

Not much else to talk about really, its been a slow few days. Just wanted to post some pictures of the little man.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Let's do the wave!

Guess what Olivier started doing yesterday!? Okay so maybe the title of this post kinda gave it away but he started waving! We've been doing it whenever we say hello or good bye with him for the last 2 months and when Jonathan dropped him off at daycare yesterday he said Ollie waved! YAY! Plus on Monday he pulled himself up in his crib completely on his own for the first time and then proceeded to start jumping up and down in excitement. Today I am going to try and get a video of Olivier waving, he didn't do it this morning when we dropped him off though.

I am officially a red head again! I swear I should have been born with red hair instead of brown, it suits me much better!

And Marc-André is officially out of the hospital as of late yesterday afternoon! He was having a hard time with the pain and they did x-rays on Monday and we thought he wouldn't be out until today at the earliest because of it, but it turns out that he's immune (or something like that) to morphine's effects so they switched him to something else and it was like night and day. He was up walking the hallways and then even walked up and down some stairs! So the dr's said he could go home and he would probably recover better at home too.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And the winner of the worst boss goes too.......Me!

And so summer has April. Not even the end of April but the beginning. Yesterday the temperatures got up to 27 and today they are supposed to go higher than 30! I hate the heat. I hope that this means this summer isn't going to be hotter than usual. Olivier already fits into his summer clothes which is good because otherwise the poor boy would be sweating his little tush off. Today we finally rounded out his summer wardrobe with some sandal and a cute pair of trainers (they look like the classic ADIDAS' with the 3 stripes). I also got a few new things for summer, a couple pairs of cargo capris in black and army green, and some tops. I still need to get a bunch of tanks though.

Yesterday we went to the hospital and saw Marc-Andre. He was in pain but had some morphine for it so he slept a lot, most of our visit in fact. And we saw Amelie and my mom and Don as well. Amelie and I talked about our tattoo and we aren't getting it on our wrists which makes me sad because I really really really wanted it there. We're either getting it on our foot or on our back right under the neck where the t-shirt is. If its there I think I'm going to get it bigger.

And my job. A job I used to love, I now hate, with a passion. I hate my new boss, he's such a jack ass. I'm looking for a new job and I keep asking Jonathan to email the woman for me who had handled his contract but he 'has to find the stuff' and its been over a month and he hasn't done it yet. He keeps saying stuff about how he knew this would happen and its selfish of me, as if I would quit without another job lined up. He has such a bad attitude lately its driving me nuts, he's never happy, always grumpy, always complaining about something and if he can't think of something he just sits there in a bad mood. I'm going insane.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nobody does it better than you. Tell me something I don't already know!

The title of this entry was actually my fortune cookie this morning (left over chinese food was my breakfast and since I ordered enough for 4 people they sent 4 fortune cookies). When I read it my response was, Duh, I'm already well aware of this fact. Neewayz.

Yesterday my youngest brother had spinal surgery for his scoliosis, an 8 hour+ surgery and it went well. He spent last night and today in the ICU but should be in his room now. We will be going by tomorrow after work to see him. I did talk to him this morning though and he said he wasn't in any pain (he sounded dopped up) and that he was doing well which is good.

Today we spent the day shopping. We had to get Ollie's spring and summer clothes. I discovered a few weeks ago that we do in fact have a Carter's and Osh Kosh store here in Ottawa. I was thrilled upon hearing that, I thought it was only a USA thing and that Costco only carried an outfit and that was all. But no, I was wrong and I'm so happy about that! We went nuts. The clothes are good quality, cute, and inexpensive. Like, really inexpensive. A shorts and t-shirt cost 10$ and they're super cute too. So the little guy is pretty much set for summer, he just needs a jacket for chilly/rainy days, some sandals and sneakers (he already has a pair of crocs) and thats it! Oh and a bathing suit. Other than that not much on home front and I don't want to talk about work. It just sucks. Big time. I'm looking for a new job.