Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's my name again? No seriously, whats my name?

So we had another one of those nights, this one was the worst of them all I think. Friday night Ollie went to bed like normal, no problems falling asleep. At 2 am he woke up, I was kind of excited, usually when he wakes up during the night he sleeps later in the morning. But thats if he actually goes back to sleep, Saturday morning he did not. He got in 2 short naps during a 12 hour period and by short I mean, 30 minutes total. Finally at 1.30 in the afternoon he fell asleep...for an hour. The next time he went to bed was for the night at 7, 17 hours and he only slept 90 minutes. But he slept well through the night, cried at midnight, I went in and gave him is suce back and then he slept until 5, not that bad of a night.

This latest picture was taken this morning. My sister Amélie got Olivier one of the official Olympic outfits for babies and we put him in this morning (gearing up for the Olympics!!!). Jonathan thinks its not that great of a picture but I love it! I think he looks so cute.

I'm thinking of getting my hair cut this week, I think I want bangs again, side swept ones but a bit shorter. I'm going to call my hair salon on Tuesday (they're closed Sunday and Monday) to set up an appointment but I bet that they're going to be booked (my hair dresser anyways) so I may not get in until next week. Oh well. I guess that's it for this update, I can't think of anything else to add!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seriously? Seriously!

I hate the tooth fairy, soon I'm gonna whoop her (or his if you've seen the new Disney movie) ass. Seriously. Ollie has been teething since before October. That's right, October. It wasn't too bad back then, just chewing on us and drooling a lot, with the odd day where he would be uncomfortable. But then December came along, it was worse, but not too bad, I was sure something was near, he had a bump on his right side gum on the bottom, his gums were swollen, I thought, Yay! Finally a tooth! But no, two days later it was as if it never happened. Three false alarms later we are now at the end of January, without a tooth to be seen. And Ollie has been a teething monster this past week. Last night I slept horribly, he cried, he wanted to be held, he's rubbing his ear (right side) his gums are swollen, he's got a red bum, pink cheeks, a slight raise in temperature (just under half a degree C), he's cranky, whiny, and everything else our Dr's 6-9 month handout said he would be with 'imminent tooth eruption'. I'll believe it when I see it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting bigger!

So we had Ollie's 6 month appointment with Dr. Besnare today. I love Ollie's doctor, she's young and really nice, and always listens to all my worries and doesn't make me feel like and idiot. Ollie now weighs 17 lbs and 7.5 oz (50th percentile) and is 26.5 inches long (just under 50th percentile). He's coming along great with his development and he's strong. She was a little worried to hear that he's been coughing and doesn't have a cold, and that his reflux is back, she told us that if it continues this week to call her on Monday and she would make an appointment with the pediatric specialist at the hospital that we saw back in October for Ollie's reflux. I also asked her about asthma because it runs in my family, me, Whitney and Stephane all have it and so does my grandma and some of my aunts and extended family, and she told us that under 6 years of age they call it something else, but not asthma, for now though she doesn't think it will be a problem but I think she's going to keep an eye on it for sure. As we were leaving we ran into a woman we know from our prenatal class, she was there with her twin girls, Aurélie (one of my names I loved for a girl) and Jasmine, they looked nothing alike, one had blond hair and blue eyes the other had dark hair and brown eyes! We spoke with Isabelle for a few minutes before we left.

I go back to work on Mar 29th. I'm not looking forward to it all, partly because I don't want to work at my work anymore, I want a job where I am off on the weekends and I don't work on holidays, and partly because I don't want to leave Ollie with a day care (they cost a fortune here until you get off the waiting list for a 7$ a day but that list is like 2 years long) and someone I don't know. We have a feeling we will have to go with an in home day care because the centers have long waiting lists. I really didn't want an in home one because you just don't know for certain what the people are really like, and there is usually just one adult so you just don't know what happens there, but on the positive side there are less children therefore Ollie would get a little more attention (depending on how many kids are there). Maybe if Chantal and Tony do end up moving here I may ask her if she would watch Ollie for us during the day.

Because  I want my weekends and holidays off I am going back to school part time for Financial Management. Its a 13 course certificate and some of the classes can exempt me from a few different certification classes which is nice, and I can work in either the government or a private company. I'll take a class or two each semester (depending on the schedule maybe a 3rd), even in the spring and summer, and I should finish it pretty quickly I think. I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

An accident continually in progress?

Yes, that's me. Or so says my friend Dylan, who tends to be right about this sort of thing.  I am full of scars and burns from work/school, I always have a bruise somewhere on my body. It's common place in my life, me+balance=mortal enemies. But since I had Ollie, or was pregnant for that matter, I had been pretty good, I fell up the stairs a few times, and fell down them a couple times (me+stairs= the bane of my existence) but for the most part,  nothing major. Yesterday however made up for my walking the stairs one at a time. I slipped and fell in the kitchen while getting Ollie's things ready to go and visit  my mother. I landed on my side (the waist) on the recycling bin, my side has an ugly ass bruise, my arm is bruised and red from my elbow to half way up my forearm, and my butt hurts. Ruby was scared out of her mind, I was on the floor groaning, Ollie woke from his nap, and promptly fell back asleep and Jonathan laughed, thats how common place my klutziness is. Oh well.

As I mentioned before, Ollie and I spent the day with my mom and Don, Jonathan was working overtime for some big move he had to set up the phones for. We watched Julie & Julia which was really good, I wasn't expecting that at all, I thought it would be just mediocre.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You have got to be kidding me!

Now thats a face I love to see in the morning! I took this, along with a few others, the other day when Ollie was playing in his crib, he was supposed to be napping (just like right now, he's supposed to be sleeping but I can hear baby giggles coming from his crib). Ollie has decided that he no longer wants to sleep through the night and in fact he would rather not fall asleep at all. What he doesn't know is that mama always wins and he will fall asleep at some point, no matter how much he fights it!

Yesterday we went and got Olivier his new car seat! He was getting too long for his infant one and was always crying when we would put him in it so i guess he was feeling stuck as well. After a trip to sears to buy it, then another one to return it then another trip to toys r us we ended up getting Ollie an Evenflo Symphony. After he woke up from his nap I put him in it and he didn't cry one time, in fact he was laughing and smiling so I guess he likes it, we'll put it in the car today when Jonathan gets home from work. I got 2 pictures of him in it and everyone keeps commenting on how small he looks, but it was made to start with babies at 5 lbs so I can only imagine how small they would look if Ollie, who is probably around 17 lbs give or take (more give than take I think) looks small.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Half birthday!

Today Ollie turned 6 months! I can't believe how quickly it all went by! It seems like its only been a few weeks when in fact its over 25 weeks! Wow. So rather than write out a whole post I'm just going to put some of my favorite pictures of the little guy over the last 6 months.














Happy 6 month Birthday little man!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wha...? Whats my name again??

The shirt says it all! Ollie is not napping very well lately. The last three days he's napped a total of about an hour each day. And on Tuesday night he had an hour long freak out session. After some orajel and some infant Tylenol, he calmed down enough to eat his bottle and fall asleep, at 7 pm, for 12 hours. Hasn't happened since! Last night it was at 9 and woke up this morning at 5! At least I was able to bring him to bed with me and Ollie fell asleep faster than when he's in his crib. It's not fun because I've been dealing with some insomnia again, happens all the time, and my neck and shoulder have been hurting all week, at one point I had a headache for 4 days. The good news is I've been able to sleep on my back for the last 3 nights and no pain, a first since the baby was born so I guess I'm finally recovering from that HORRID spinal for my c-section.

Ollie started to play with a sippy cup in his high chair after meals. I put a bit of water in it and then give it to him. When I hold it for him he knows what to do, he sucks and gets the water so then I let him take it, and he holds it well, but chews on the spout rather than drink!

I haven't heard from my dad for a few days so I think that the network systems for the ship must be down or are down for a mission or something, I've sent him some pictures but he's never written back like he usually does.

And for the best news of all! Yesterday I got a text from my best friend back home, Chantal, and her husband might be getting transfered to where we live! They'll find out for sure in April/May but they could be here by the end of the summer! I'm so excited! We've barely had the opportunity to spend time together and it really sucks considering how close we were. I've only gotten to meet her children once, and Tristan is turning 3 in March and Kylie is turning 1! Chantal wants the posting for a change of scenery so lets hope it happens, I would be exstatic if it did! Plus it would be for at least 3 years and that would mean she'd be here for the next baby too!

Ollie and I spent Tuesday with my friend Jenn, we went to Bayshore to do a bit of shopping and chatting. We'll just say that our time together is never dull!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Did you hear about....?

So Ollie and i went to the theater by ourselves today, our own little date, and saw Did you hear about the Morgans? I liked it, Ollie slept almost the entire time save for a few minutes at the start but he got a little hungry and fell asleep eating his bottle. I slipped him into his stroller with the backrest down and he slept the rest of the movie. We had fun, we got there early and Ollie liked looking up at all of the things hanging from the ceiling in the lobby, all the colors and stuff. Then once we went and sat down he stood on my lap and watched all the people behind us and screeched at them and smiled and jumped up and down.

Yesterday we went shopping! Got all kinds of new clothes for Olivier. The childrens place was having a sale so we got a bunch of polo shirts for 8$ each, jeans (reg price unfornutealty, but they were2 for 30$) and a few other t-shirts and a pair of shoes. Then at old navy he got a sweater and a hoodie that says heartbreaker on it, I'll have to get a picture of him in it when he's next to a little girl lol.

Jessica asked me to update on the Wii Active and the only thing I can say is GET THIS! OMG I love doing it! we are doing the 30 day challenge (started on Dec 27) and its lots of fun, and a great workout, the only thing I can say is make sure you start on a friday because the 2 days afterwards you are SORE, but I highly reccomened it to anyone and everyone, its a lot of fun and Jonathan likes to do it too, I'm so so so happy we got it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year...A new body?

So much for making a post at least once a week. But I'm back, the holidays were a killer! Christmas Eve was spent with my moms family, and we opened all our presents. I got a Wii!! FINALLY! I've wanted one since the summer when me, Jonathan, my dad and Whitney played at my Aunt Lises house. And when we went out shopping we bought Wii Active. Its soooooo much fun, but sooooooo much work! We started the 30 day challened 4 days ago and I swear today almost killed me! I was going on like 5 hours sleep so I was yawning the entire time, but I did the whole work out thats what counts! I have to lose all this baby weight plus some.

On Christmas Eve my dad called, but I wasn't home and I was sad when I listened to the voicemail knowing I could have talked to him. But he called on New Years Day and I talked to him then! Only for abou 10 minutes but its better than nothing! He was going on a safari today.

Christmas day Ollie decided to start his day 5.30, after going to bed at 1 am, needless to say, we were beat at the end of the day. We spent Christmas morning/lunch with my dad's family, and then Christmas dinner with my moms family again. Boxing day we headed out in the freezing rain to get a new digital box for our new tv and I got the first two volumes of the Glee soundtrack, my new favorite show this season, Ollie loves the music too, we sing and dance to it all the time. We didn't do much New Years Eve, stayed in and watched Canada v USA in the world juniors (canada won in the shoot out!) and went to bed before midnight, the life of new parents! We did have a bottle of cheap chamagne, and it tasted cheap lol, but oh well, its the thought that counts! Jonathan goes back to work on Monday and we have to head out shopping this week too, we are low on water, formula, eggs, cat food, and clothes that fit the baby! Ollie turns 6 months on the 17th and is starting to grow out of some of his 3-6 months clothes (the picture he is wearing 6 months, but he has a pair of 3-6 months pj's that are still big, go figure, and he is still wearing some 0-3 months onesies). I'm looking forward to that, right now I much prefer buying clothes for Ollie than I do for myself! I'm going to post a few pictures from our holidays!

Christmas Eve

Wishing Grandpa Paul a Merry Christmas on the ship

With Great Grandma Cote

With Great Aunt Lise in Mia's exersaucer

Sitting on my own

Being silly

Go Canada Go!

Ollie's favorite toy, the jumperoo!