Friday, November 27, 2009

Vampires and Werewolves...just another family outing!

Yesterday I finally got to go and see New Moon and I say that in caps and italics because last year Jonathan took the day off of work on opening day and took me to see it. Now here we are a year later and he called in sick to take me and Ollie to go and see it. My theater has what I call a mommy and me movie each week and I knew this weeks would be New Moon and so we went. Ollie's first time to the theater, I was too chicken to go by myself the first time just incase he didn't like and started to scream. The theater was packed, we were both surprised but not really, I mean it's New Moon. Lots of babies, lots of mommies and daddies were there and a few women with their friends as well, I was surprised at how many fathers went, and how many young babies there were too. But we had fun. They turned the volume of the movie down, the lights up just a little so you can see while you are searching through a diaper bag, and they had a change table set up, which was good because we had to change a diaper half way through. Olivier loved it, he sat in my lap, leaning up against me and watched the previews, then I passed him off to Jonathan so I could eat a bit of popcorn and then back to me. At one point he fussed a little, I gave him his bottle and he was out like a light after less than an ounce and he slept for about 45 minutes (if you've seen it he slept through one of the noisy parts where the pack was chasing after Laurent, their paws hitting the ground was noisy...for a baby anyways lol). There were a few babies that fussed and whined the whole movie but it went a lot better than I thought it would, it took a few minutes to get used to the baby noises in a theater but it wasnt bad at all, it was fun seeing all the different sized babies and comparing their sizes to Ollie, he seemed small compared to some that I thought were about his age. One woman needed better glasses though, she asked about my 'daughter'. I just laughed, I think it was because of his bib, it was pale blue and yellow with little chicks on it but farther away it probablly looked like flowers or something. Next time I'm bringing my nursing pillow, even though we aren't breast feeding anymore, because I had to stuff Jonathans jacket under my arm because the arm rest was too low. Overall it was a fantastic experience and now I am more willing to go on my own. Oh and I thought the movie was great, it was so much better than the first and followed the book better. I think it actually made me like New Moon as a book, it was my least favorite. I was a little worried as to how they were going to do the werewolves but I thought that they were amazing and I hope that the next directors for the final 2 books, follow how they were done for this one. I've always been team Edward but after this movie I think I'm team Pack lol, those guys were buff! I know most love Jacob but I was kind of partial to Sam...

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