Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shots, fevers and mama's always right

So yesterday was Ollie's 4 month appointment with Dr. Besnair and his 4 month shots. My sister Amélie came with us, she had wanted to spend the day with us since she was off from work. Before we left I asked everyone to guess weights and see who was closest. I said 14 lbs 7 oz right off the bat, Jonathan said 14 lbs 4 oz and Amélie said 14 lbs 10 oz. We got there a little early but were taken in right away. The nurse weighed him and I asked how much he was now. No one should ever second guess a mama! I was right on exactly, I was quite proud of myself. The Dr said he's in perfect health and not worry that he hasn't rolled over yet, he still has plenty of time for that! Ollie took his shots better this time than last, it only took a moment to calm him down and I didn't need to give him a bottle this time. Afterwards Amélie and I went for a walk with him and he slept the whole time.

The evening though was a nightmare. Fussy and whiney and he hurt, and was crying, Ollie never cries, he's an insanely easy baby and only fusses when he is hungry or overly tired. I was up with him most of the night though, and slept in a chair with him he was so out of sorts. This morning he had a fever that just didn't want to go away, it was up and then down and then back up again. He's had 3 naps, two of them in his crib and lastest more than 20 minutes (usually thats all I get out of his crib naps but today were both well over and hour). Hopefully the fever breaks soon, it breaks my heart to see him so out of character.

Our weekend was good, we went to my mothers for supper on Saturday and my brother, sister, her boyfriend and my grandparents were there. My mom and Marc-André had gone shopping earlier in the day and had gotten Olivier a new winter hat, and it looks so cute on him. Then on Sunday Craig and Reneé came over with their daughter Lilly and we had a little baby play date. Both babies were enthralled with each other and were chatting and smiling away, at one point they were even holding hands, it was so cute. Hopefully we get to see Lilly again soon!

1 comment:

  1. He's a cutie! wow, My christopher is huge compared to him! When I went for our 4month appointment, I was the one that was wrong with the weight.. lol.. I guessed 15lbs I was off by 3lbs oops!
    Hopefully he is feeling better from his shots. Fevers really suck and its so sad to see them not feeling well.
    He's so cute! God bless him!
