Saturday, November 28, 2009

On a roll!

So Ollie decided that this rolling over thing wasn't a one time event! Today he did it 2 times! Jonathan missed the first time because he was in the bathroom but he caught it the second time, just in time too. I was surprised that he did it again once today let alone twice, I was certain that yesterday was a fluke, but I guess not! I have yet to capture him on film rolling over, he really gives  no notice when he is going to do it. It was a stressful day today, but I guess it like that for many people as the holidays are approaching. My sister Amélie called and wants to come over next weekend when we set up the Christmas tree, she's already bought Oliviers Christmas present, a onesie with hat and bib for team Canada for the Olympics, I'm an Olympic nut and when I saw them I knew that I wanted to get him that, so when my sister asked what to get him of course that's what I told her! We don't need much in ways of toys, we dont have a lot of space for them, plus Ollie isn't too into them anyways. We got him a toy and my mom is getting him the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Jumperoo and my Grandma Cote is getting him the Fisher Price walk n ride for once he starts to walk, which I'm happy she got it for him, that way we don't have to think about it when the time comes. I don't know what to tell people when they ask what to get him, we don't really need all that much, we were lucky enough to get most of the things we needed at our baby shower and as gifts when Ollie was born. The only things we need are clothes over 6 months and money I guess so we can use it for formula, diapers, sippy cups (he'll be starting to use them before we know it and we don't have any!) and things like that and to put it into an account for him as well, but it seems weird asking for that stuff but I guess its really the stuff he needs and thats what people get you at Christmas.

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