Sunday, November 29, 2009

Barley There

This morning I walked to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and while I was waiting for it to be ready I headed over to the baby section. I was looking for brown rice cereal because none of the stores I had been to had any, not even WalMart. I saw they had some but I took a look first to see if maybe, just maybe, they had barley cereal. Not a single place has it, no where, but Jean Coutu had it! I was so excited, I snapped it up and when Ollie woke up from his nap, I had it all ready, I just had to mix it. I was hopeing this would go better than the oat cereal, which he liked, but after the second bite of it was so over oats. Lets just say barley is Olivier's new best friend. It was heinze and I usually give him Nestle so I accidentally made too much but its a good thing I did because he ate the entire bowl! If the bowl had more cereal in it I'm pretty sure he would have eaten that as well! No rolling over today, he took a little fit on his tummy this morning so we figured that was enough for the day. He's been a little strange the last few nights. On Friday night Ollie refused to sleep before 11, and he ate 15 oz right  before bed, and last night he did the same thing. And he's been whiney and a little off of his game in way of his attitude in the evening and the only thing that will calm him down is a bottle. Usually he starts to show signs of being tired before getting over tired and fussy but he goes from zero to sixty now. One second he's happy and smiling and then the smile goes and he starts to whine and fuss and made a sound almost like he's forcing, but isnt, in the blink of an eye with no warning. Fingers crossed tonight he decides to go back to a normal sleep time, or at least something before 10!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

On a roll!

So Ollie decided that this rolling over thing wasn't a one time event! Today he did it 2 times! Jonathan missed the first time because he was in the bathroom but he caught it the second time, just in time too. I was surprised that he did it again once today let alone twice, I was certain that yesterday was a fluke, but I guess not! I have yet to capture him on film rolling over, he really gives  no notice when he is going to do it. It was a stressful day today, but I guess it like that for many people as the holidays are approaching. My sister Amélie called and wants to come over next weekend when we set up the Christmas tree, she's already bought Oliviers Christmas present, a onesie with hat and bib for team Canada for the Olympics, I'm an Olympic nut and when I saw them I knew that I wanted to get him that, so when my sister asked what to get him of course that's what I told her! We don't need much in ways of toys, we dont have a lot of space for them, plus Ollie isn't too into them anyways. We got him a toy and my mom is getting him the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Jumperoo and my Grandma Cote is getting him the Fisher Price walk n ride for once he starts to walk, which I'm happy she got it for him, that way we don't have to think about it when the time comes. I don't know what to tell people when they ask what to get him, we don't really need all that much, we were lucky enough to get most of the things we needed at our baby shower and as gifts when Ollie was born. The only things we need are clothes over 6 months and money I guess so we can use it for formula, diapers, sippy cups (he'll be starting to use them before we know it and we don't have any!) and things like that and to put it into an account for him as well, but it seems weird asking for that stuff but I guess its really the stuff he needs and thats what people get you at Christmas.

Wanting but having to wait

So I finally got to go through the envelope of advertisements and offers that they gave us at the theater this morning. I soooo shouldn't have done that. Inside there was a coupon for 10$ off a photo session (199$+taxes comes with 5 5x7's retouched and the cd so you have full rights to the pictures) and I went onto the photographers website Photographies Martine and now I want to have pictures done again. I want some family ones and then some of the cute ones of Ollie alone, but its too expensive for us. But they're all too expensive, the good ones anyways. I don't want pictures where you're just standing there holding the baby and smiling and only have one pose, like they do at WalMart and Sears, and if you want more you end up paying almost the same as a professional photographer so you mays well just spend the extra 50$ and get better pictures with all different poses plus the cd.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Houston we have rolling over!

He did it! Finally! After weeks of teasing us, Ollie finally rolled over about 15 minutes ago! I almosted missed it too. I was yelling at Ruby for doing something bad and turned around just in time to see the big event! For weeks now he has been getting as far as his side (when he is on his back on his stomach we get nothing) and then stopping and going onto his back. Today I put him on his tummy hoping to get a good tummy time out of him, usually doesn't happen, and he rolled over after about 10 minutes! I screamed in delight and scared Ruby half to death but serves her right!

Vampires and Werewolves...just another family outing!

Yesterday I finally got to go and see New Moon and I say that in caps and italics because last year Jonathan took the day off of work on opening day and took me to see it. Now here we are a year later and he called in sick to take me and Ollie to go and see it. My theater has what I call a mommy and me movie each week and I knew this weeks would be New Moon and so we went. Ollie's first time to the theater, I was too chicken to go by myself the first time just incase he didn't like and started to scream. The theater was packed, we were both surprised but not really, I mean it's New Moon. Lots of babies, lots of mommies and daddies were there and a few women with their friends as well, I was surprised at how many fathers went, and how many young babies there were too. But we had fun. They turned the volume of the movie down, the lights up just a little so you can see while you are searching through a diaper bag, and they had a change table set up, which was good because we had to change a diaper half way through. Olivier loved it, he sat in my lap, leaning up against me and watched the previews, then I passed him off to Jonathan so I could eat a bit of popcorn and then back to me. At one point he fussed a little, I gave him his bottle and he was out like a light after less than an ounce and he slept for about 45 minutes (if you've seen it he slept through one of the noisy parts where the pack was chasing after Laurent, their paws hitting the ground was noisy...for a baby anyways lol). There were a few babies that fussed and whined the whole movie but it went a lot better than I thought it would, it took a few minutes to get used to the baby noises in a theater but it wasnt bad at all, it was fun seeing all the different sized babies and comparing their sizes to Ollie, he seemed small compared to some that I thought were about his age. One woman needed better glasses though, she asked about my 'daughter'. I just laughed, I think it was because of his bib, it was pale blue and yellow with little chicks on it but farther away it probablly looked like flowers or something. Next time I'm bringing my nursing pillow, even though we aren't breast feeding anymore, because I had to stuff Jonathans jacket under my arm because the arm rest was too low. Overall it was a fantastic experience and now I am more willing to go on my own. Oh and I thought the movie was great, it was so much better than the first and followed the book better. I think it actually made me like New Moon as a book, it was my least favorite. I was a little worried as to how they were going to do the werewolves but I thought that they were amazing and I hope that the next directors for the final 2 books, follow how they were done for this one. I've always been team Edward but after this movie I think I'm team Pack lol, those guys were buff! I know most love Jacob but I was kind of partial to Sam...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Raspberries anyone?

As one of the mommies I know said, Ollie had a milestones day today! This afternoon he started to blow raspberries for fun, and really he hasn't stopped since. And once Jonathan got home we set him down in his crib to fold some laundry and when we went to get him again, the little was playing with his feet. Now all I need him to do is sprout a tooth and start rolling over!

I started to apply on government jobs today, there is one that I applied for that I have a good chance of getting at least into the pool of candidates they will be keeping on file for future jobs, fingers crossed I get it, having my weekends free and my holidays off would be sweet, plus its a good raise from what I get now, which means a house sooner rather than later!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shots, fevers and mama's always right

So yesterday was Ollie's 4 month appointment with Dr. Besnair and his 4 month shots. My sister Amélie came with us, she had wanted to spend the day with us since she was off from work. Before we left I asked everyone to guess weights and see who was closest. I said 14 lbs 7 oz right off the bat, Jonathan said 14 lbs 4 oz and Amélie said 14 lbs 10 oz. We got there a little early but were taken in right away. The nurse weighed him and I asked how much he was now. No one should ever second guess a mama! I was right on exactly, I was quite proud of myself. The Dr said he's in perfect health and not worry that he hasn't rolled over yet, he still has plenty of time for that! Ollie took his shots better this time than last, it only took a moment to calm him down and I didn't need to give him a bottle this time. Afterwards Amélie and I went for a walk with him and he slept the whole time.

The evening though was a nightmare. Fussy and whiney and he hurt, and was crying, Ollie never cries, he's an insanely easy baby and only fusses when he is hungry or overly tired. I was up with him most of the night though, and slept in a chair with him he was so out of sorts. This morning he had a fever that just didn't want to go away, it was up and then down and then back up again. He's had 3 naps, two of them in his crib and lastest more than 20 minutes (usually thats all I get out of his crib naps but today were both well over and hour). Hopefully the fever breaks soon, it breaks my heart to see him so out of character.

Our weekend was good, we went to my mothers for supper on Saturday and my brother, sister, her boyfriend and my grandparents were there. My mom and Marc-André had gone shopping earlier in the day and had gotten Olivier a new winter hat, and it looks so cute on him. Then on Sunday Craig and Reneé came over with their daughter Lilly and we had a little baby play date. Both babies were enthralled with each other and were chatting and smiling away, at one point they were even holding hands, it was so cute. Hopefully we get to see Lilly again soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

4 months already!

Yesterday was Olivier's 4 month birthday, he spent the day sleeping! He woke up at 5 am and then at 6 was tired again so I took him in bed with me to sleep and didn't wake up until 8.30! Then we ate a little oat cereal and had a little taste of apple puree since it was a special occasion (wasn't particulalry fussed with it) and then fell asleep at 9.30 until 1! Woke up had a bottle played until he was tuckered out again (another 45 minutes) ate a bottle and fell asleep for another hour! Next week are his 4 month shots and we will find out how much he weighs. Last week there was a growth spurt and it seemed like Ollie gained weight over night and grew in length! We are pretty sure he will be about 14.5 lbs.

On the weekend we bought Olivier's first Christmas present, its a fisher price toy that has 4 balls with jungle animals in them and they go inside this tree house type thing and pop out in all different places and go on little turn tables and stuff, its for 6 months and up so in January he should be able to start using it I think, Februrary at the latest.

On Monday we went and did a little trip to my work and I found out my  boss is leaving at the end of the month, which makes me want to find a new job faster for when I go back to work, who knows who they'll hire to replace her plus I want to have my weekends and holidays free so I am looking in the government and also at the local college in the offices or something like that.

We don't have much planned for the rest of the week, we might have a visit from one of Jonathans friends and his wife, they haven't had a chance to come by and see the baby yet so I think they may come on Saturday or Sunday. Then next week hopefully me and Olivier will get to see my friend Stephanie from college and another friend of ours Craig, with his daughter Lilly who was born a little over a month after Ollie was, we haven't had a chance to see each other (none of us) since the babies were born so we are looking forward to this!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First Blog

Welcome to my Blog! I decided to start this blog so that I could chronicle my life with my son and my boyfriend. We just had a baby this past summer, a little boy named Olivier, and we have settled into our new life quite nicely. Ollie is such an easy baby, so far anyways. He rarely cries unless he is hungry or tired and loves to cuddle. He's recently discovered his voice so it seems that I have a bottle of Tylenol permanatly attached to my hand. We are getting ready for Oliviers first Christmas, still trying to decide what toys to get him and what we will tell people to get him if they ask. I really want a jumperoo but Jonathan thinks it will take up too much space, it will but I dont care, I think he would love to play with it and thats all that matters. I also want to make baby food at home and want a steamer and foor processor (the steamer for sure, I have blender so if I dont get the processor its not a big deal). So thats it for my first blog!