Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Look Ma!

I couldn't believe it when I saw this last night! I was on the computer doing our Christmas card when Jonathan came in to change Ollie into a new pair of pj's because he spit up on them a lot (in 10 minutes!). He tried sitting him to see how Ollie would do and this is what we got! It's hard to believe that just a couple of days ago (litterally) he was still folding over in half (his face touching his feet) and then BAM! here he is sitting at 4 and a half months!

Last night was a good night too! I decided to test and see if Olivier just needed some more cereal at supper time now too, because maybe he really was hungry. Well it worked! He fell asleep at 8, woke up 45 minutes later for a few minutes and was asleep again by 9.10 and in  bed by 9.20! He woke up at 6.30 this morning, ate a few ounces from his bottle and is back asleep now for half an hour already!

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