Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas is coming!

Yesterday Amélie came over and we decorated the tree while Jonathan was at work doing some overtime, we left him the angel so he could put something on it. Ollie didn't want to co-operate too much, he was being Mr. Cranky Pants again. The last two days he's been really cranky, we think either because of gas or because of his teeth. I'm thinking teeth because not long after I gave him some Tylenol last night he calmed down, and he's had some rosy cheeks the last couple of days as well.

When Amélie got here yesterday I handed her Ollie so she could hold him and he burst out crying, a real paniky cry. We were flabberghasted why he did this, he's never cried like that before when someone has held him. And when I tried to show her he could sit, she came on the floor to sit next to us and Ollie had this look on his face, chin quivering, mouth turned down and the 'I'm about to freak out' look so she got back up. Later on we realized that it was her hair! She was wearing it in a pony tail flipped up by a clip so some was sticking up in the back and he didn't like that at all. It was quite funny afterwards and we laughed about, and she took the clip out and was able to hold Olivier and give him bottle before supper time.

And finally a weel after the last time Olivier rolled over from his tummy to his back, he rolled over from his back to his tummy, but I think it was accidental. He was playing with his feet and rolled over, and then got stuck. His legs and lower body were facing down but his arm kept him from fully completing the roll lol.

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