Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You're the only thing that drives me crazy

So I feel like I am dying. Literally. I woke up Sunday morning in pain. Horrid, terrible, excruciating pain. In my back. So bad I can't bend over, at all, turn side to side, lay down on my back, walk up and down stairs and do pretty much anything. I've been taking pain meds but they help for like a nano second, and I can only take them every 8 hours. The tiniest twinge makes me want to cry and the spasms are pure hell. Last night I got into bed, an hour after taking my pills and had spasms for over 20 minutes. I didnt even do anything to tweak my back either. It's been horrid since my c-section but the last couple of months were really good, only a small twinge here and there. Now I think I need to see a chiropractor. My friend Rahim is one, but in Toronto. He recommended a friend of his here in Ottawa for me to see. I have a feeling its something not good because they had such a hard time with my spinal, there were mutterings from the anesthesiologist about my vertebrae being too compacted, so its making me think I may be getting arthritis in my back or a degenerated disc or something equally horrid sounding. I hope a little physio helps get rid of it and fast because I can't stand the pain. There are times I'm walking in the apartment and my legs just want to give out under me from a twinge in my back, which makes me really nervous. I hope I can get in to see the chiro soon that's all I gotta say.

This weekend we are going away, well tomorrow after work actually. We are going to my moms cottage to celebrate her birthday, the whole family will be there and there will be people sleeping in tents, but not us. We get one of the beds in the house. And Ollie has his playpen, and high chair booster seat thingy there. It'll be fun

Yesterday was Ollie's follow up with the dr. She was ecstatic he was doing so well, he gained a half pound in 3 weeks, and is drinking so well and eating well. We really think the old daycare was part of the problem because we have had no problems since switching, everything is great and he is gaining weight well and drinking from his bottles taking homo milk, regular food, napping and is happy. He's not burnt out when he gets home either, which is nice.

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