Sunday, June 6, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars?

So Ollie had his appointment at the hospital and it went well! They were very impressed with how much he moves and say he is on the brink of walking. For now they aren't going to do anything about his reflux, once he starts walking his stomach will do a half turn and that should help and once he starts drinking homo milk it will help as well. If after 1 year he still has reflux then they will do something. He now weighs 9 lbs 14 oz, so he is creeping higher in the percentile charts (around 35% I believe she said). He didn't gain much in length but he's already really long! And they also said that we could start giving him yogurt and cheese again and in two weeks if that goes good we will start transitioning him over to homogenized milk, which should also help with the reflux. And he is taking a sippy cup now! After 8 different cups we finally found one that Ollie can drink from!

My grandpa isn't doing well, he had to be moved to and end of life care facility on Friday and the nurses said that they don't think that he has much time left, a week at most. I'm not upset per say, I prepared myself for this when we found out he had cancer so I've said my piece with it I guess you could say. Stephane is coming to visit today, but he was only able to get a couple days off from work. I'm waiting to hear when his bus will be getting in because I am the one going and getting him from the station since my mom is sleeping in grandpa's room, so he will also be staying with us as well.

Amelie has her confirmation on June 19th. We are going to get her a gift, she is after all getting confirmed for us to be Olivier's godmother, but we aren't sure what, we were thinking a necklace or another kind of jewelery. We'll figure it out I guess.

And for the second night in a row Olivier slept the entire night in his bed, he woke up at 6.30 but that was because of Ruby, she was walking around the apartment crying. And he got his 3rd tooth last night too! The top right one smack dab in the center lol. Tomorrow he will start at his new daycare as well! We are excited, it seems much better than the place that he was at before and there are only 6 children there total and one other baby (I think she said that baby was 6 months old).

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