Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you could have just asked. It would have been a lot less painful.

Ok so I'm back. Last week was a long and tiring week so I decided no blogging for me. But now that all of that is passed us, I have returned. Lots happened, as you can probably tell, my grandpa passed away. Stephane stayed with us a few days, until his girlfriend Michelle came for the funeral, and then they stayed at my moms for 3 days before leaving. I chopped my hair off...well 6 inches. Jonathan wasn't too pleased. This is what it looks like now:
Those are the pearls my papa gave me by the way. After that Amelie and I went and got our tattoos done. Hers is on her foot, mine is on my back between my shoulder blades.
They will look much better once they have healed, mine is actually almost healed completely already, the fastest I think I've ever healed from a tattoo. Jonathan was pissed when he saw it. I had shown him the picture that morning and for some reason he didn't think that was what we were getting. I have no idea why. He thinks its too big but really its not, both the one on Amelie's foot and the one on my back are the exact same size so obviously they aren't huge. He made me say I wasn't going to get another one, but I think I want one more. An ancient rune this time though. For remembrance.

I started a new book series. I'm thinking of doing a blog, another one, about the books I read. Kind of like I'm reviewing them or something. I read the Mortal Instruments series this weekend, 3 books, and I loved them so much. I'm reading them again. It's easily my favorite book series now.

So I'm ending this post with pictures of Stephane changing Ollie's diaper. Enjoy!

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