Friday, May 21, 2010

I have to win at some point....right?

This week has been awful. Beyond awful really. It has had its up's, Chantal is in town house hunting, and we went to the Tulip Fest last weekend. But the hits keep on coming this week, literally and figuratively.

Ollie saw the Doctor on Wed. He hasn't been drinking much over the last few weeks and we started getting worried about dehydration. The dr thinks its either because of a lactose intolerance, drinking makes him feel bad and so he doesn't want to drink, or reflux again, drinking makes him feel bad so he doesn't want to drink. So now all dairy had been cut out from his diet for the next 2 weeks and he is on Nutramegin for his formula, we have to go and see a pediatrician at the hospital and we have to go back to dr besner in a month. When we got to the dr's office though Jonathan hit a parked car. Our mirror is broken and there are a couple dents, nothing major, but the mirror is going to cost 500$ to replace.

Yesterday Jonathan took the day off work (today as well) and we went and dropped Olivier off for the morning and when we got there we got a huge lecture because some parents had complained to the co ordinator of the in home day cares that they were closing for 2 months and wanted people to pay (well duh they're going to complain!). Jonathan said we had contacted them to find out some information only and the 5 minute lecture turned into a 30 minute one. Yeah. I wasn't impressed. Today we went to pick him up at lunch and Hassan reminded us our 3 month trial contract was up on June 4 and Jonathan asked if they were going to take us back. I know its going to be a no. I'm positive because he opened his big mouth yesterday and said we had emailed the coordinator. We were told we would discuss is next week. So now we are pretty sure we have to find a new daycare but none that are subsidized have any places right now so the minimum we will be paying per day is 20$ rather than the 7$. And it can go up as high as 45$ a day I saw this afternoon checking online. We don't have that kind of money to pay, its insane!

This week just plain sucks.

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