Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the News!

I was baking a flourless chocolate cake when my mom called me at 6.20. My dad was on the news! She hadn't been paying much attention as she was wrapping gifts and she heard his name in the background and then all of sudden she heard his voice. She said he looks good (my stepmom saw him on video conference on the weekend) and he wished us all a merry christmas and whitney a happy birthday (she was 17 on the 14th). She called me and I was sad I missed it. It might replay tonight on the 11.30 news but thats really late for me to stay up since I was up a few times last night with the baby. On the ships website thought it says that there is going to be something special on the sailor profiles so I think it might be his greeting that will be posted so I will have to remember to go and take a look. I hope its that because it made me upset that I missed it, I wish they had been told when and where the greetings would be shown so we could have seen.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nom Nom Nom!

I have a baby who loves prunes! He just gobbled them up this morning with his oat cereal (which I had to add prunes so he would eat it because he doesn't like oat, but I think the barley is making him cranky). Last night Ollie also tried wax beans which he loved too! He seems to like his veggies more than his fruit which is surprising but I'm not going to complain!

Yesterday was spent wrapping presents all day long, but its ALL done so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'm going to be making cookies this week and then next week I'm going to make a flourless chocolate cake and some baklava to bring to my aunts for christmas eve, I cant wait! I wanna bake!

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Hard Day's work!

Olivier and I played Santa today! We spent the entire day out shopping, from 9 am until around 6.30 pm. We're pooped. But we have every single present bought except for my grandparents, and I think we are getting wine or something like that, the special ones that the liqour stores put out for Christmas. Now I just have to wrap wrap wrap! And mail things out on Wednesday. Jonathan seems to thing that we should be able to stuff things in envelopes but it can't be done! He figures if we do that then it gets sent as an oversized letter...well you can't put his mom's pj's in an envelope but do you think he's listening to me? Nope.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ewwww what is that!?

Well yesterday Mr. Olivier tasted bananas for the first time. We'll just say he wasn't going bananas for them thats for sure! He tried them at lunch and after the first bite I was sure they would be back in my face, but he swallowed them, with much effort I must add! I tried a few more bites to see if he would start to like them but with each bite I was getting a 'why are you  making me eat this god awful tasting crap!' look. I tried again at supper and it was a no go.

Today we tried the peaches. I have no idea if he likes them or not, he was screaming the entire time! We'll just say that today, up until 12.20 was not Olivier's day. He would want something and as soon as he was given it, a diaper change, food, snuggling, he decided that he no longer wanted said item. It made for a very looooong morning. Finally at noon came the overtired freakout because he had decided earlier in the morning that he no longer wanted to take a nap. After that, we finally had silence, Ollie was down for the count sleeping, I got my shower and a banana bread in the oven, dishes washed....and now I am bored!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas is coming!

Yesterday Amélie came over and we decorated the tree while Jonathan was at work doing some overtime, we left him the angel so he could put something on it. Ollie didn't want to co-operate too much, he was being Mr. Cranky Pants again. The last two days he's been really cranky, we think either because of gas or because of his teeth. I'm thinking teeth because not long after I gave him some Tylenol last night he calmed down, and he's had some rosy cheeks the last couple of days as well.

When Amélie got here yesterday I handed her Ollie so she could hold him and he burst out crying, a real paniky cry. We were flabberghasted why he did this, he's never cried like that before when someone has held him. And when I tried to show her he could sit, she came on the floor to sit next to us and Ollie had this look on his face, chin quivering, mouth turned down and the 'I'm about to freak out' look so she got back up. Later on we realized that it was her hair! She was wearing it in a pony tail flipped up by a clip so some was sticking up in the back and he didn't like that at all. It was quite funny afterwards and we laughed about, and she took the clip out and was able to hold Olivier and give him bottle before supper time.

And finally a weel after the last time Olivier rolled over from his tummy to his back, he rolled over from his back to his tummy, but I think it was accidental. He was playing with his feet and rolled over, and then got stuck. His legs and lower body were facing down but his arm kept him from fully completing the roll lol.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nuts for Butternut!

Olivier had butternut squash tonight for the first time! It was love at first taste! Or close to it anyways. He had a few spoonfuls of his barley cereal and then I swooped in with his first taste of veggies...At first he was like, this isn't my cereal, what is this? and then the second spoonful came and he was hooked! Veggie #1 was a success!

It's what time?!

These last few nights have been kind of hard. This week we started to give Ollie cereal at night as well, around supper time, because he was waking up a lot during the night again. Well since we started this baby has never slept more! usually he'll go around 11 hours, falling asleep earlier than usual. I go to bed and half sleep because I'm certain that he'll wake up around 1 or 2 to eat, he always has in the past when he would go to bed before 8. Not once did he wake, I dont even think he moved during that time! Yesterday he didn't get up until 7. Today I woke up at 7.30...nothing. I went in and checked on him, went and did my usual morning when he's waking up soon, and went back to see him, expecting him to be awake but just playing with his blanket quietly like he has been doing...he turned his head sleeping during that 10 minutes but was still asleep....okay then. I text Jonathan to let him know and he says wow what a record. I head to the computer turning it on and such and checking my stuff, a little worried. This isn't normal. FINALLY at 8.30 he wakes up, with a bit of prodding from me, hey he was stirring anyways and it was inevitable he would wake up in the next few minutes, I just helped him along a bit. I remember when I was praying for the days he would sleep 10 hours in a row to give me a bit of uninterrupted sleep, but now that he's doing that, I still don't get to sleep!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Look Ma!

I couldn't believe it when I saw this last night! I was on the computer doing our Christmas card when Jonathan came in to change Ollie into a new pair of pj's because he spit up on them a lot (in 10 minutes!). He tried sitting him to see how Ollie would do and this is what we got! It's hard to believe that just a couple of days ago (litterally) he was still folding over in half (his face touching his feet) and then BAM! here he is sitting at 4 and a half months!

Last night was a good night too! I decided to test and see if Olivier just needed some more cereal at supper time now too, because maybe he really was hungry. Well it worked! He fell asleep at 8, woke up 45 minutes later for a few minutes and was asleep again by 9.10 and in  bed by 9.20! He woke up at 6.30 this morning, ate a few ounces from his bottle and is back asleep now for half an hour already!