Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You're the only thing that drives me crazy

So I feel like I am dying. Literally. I woke up Sunday morning in pain. Horrid, terrible, excruciating pain. In my back. So bad I can't bend over, at all, turn side to side, lay down on my back, walk up and down stairs and do pretty much anything. I've been taking pain meds but they help for like a nano second, and I can only take them every 8 hours. The tiniest twinge makes me want to cry and the spasms are pure hell. Last night I got into bed, an hour after taking my pills and had spasms for over 20 minutes. I didnt even do anything to tweak my back either. It's been horrid since my c-section but the last couple of months were really good, only a small twinge here and there. Now I think I need to see a chiropractor. My friend Rahim is one, but in Toronto. He recommended a friend of his here in Ottawa for me to see. I have a feeling its something not good because they had such a hard time with my spinal, there were mutterings from the anesthesiologist about my vertebrae being too compacted, so its making me think I may be getting arthritis in my back or a degenerated disc or something equally horrid sounding. I hope a little physio helps get rid of it and fast because I can't stand the pain. There are times I'm walking in the apartment and my legs just want to give out under me from a twinge in my back, which makes me really nervous. I hope I can get in to see the chiro soon that's all I gotta say.

This weekend we are going away, well tomorrow after work actually. We are going to my moms cottage to celebrate her birthday, the whole family will be there and there will be people sleeping in tents, but not us. We get one of the beds in the house. And Ollie has his playpen, and high chair booster seat thingy there. It'll be fun

Yesterday was Ollie's follow up with the dr. She was ecstatic he was doing so well, he gained a half pound in 3 weeks, and is drinking so well and eating well. We really think the old daycare was part of the problem because we have had no problems since switching, everything is great and he is gaining weight well and drinking from his bottles taking homo milk, regular food, napping and is happy. He's not burnt out when he gets home either, which is nice.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you could have just asked. It would have been a lot less painful.

Ok so I'm back. Last week was a long and tiring week so I decided no blogging for me. But now that all of that is passed us, I have returned. Lots happened, as you can probably tell, my grandpa passed away. Stephane stayed with us a few days, until his girlfriend Michelle came for the funeral, and then they stayed at my moms for 3 days before leaving. I chopped my hair off...well 6 inches. Jonathan wasn't too pleased. This is what it looks like now:
Those are the pearls my papa gave me by the way. After that Amelie and I went and got our tattoos done. Hers is on her foot, mine is on my back between my shoulder blades.
They will look much better once they have healed, mine is actually almost healed completely already, the fastest I think I've ever healed from a tattoo. Jonathan was pissed when he saw it. I had shown him the picture that morning and for some reason he didn't think that was what we were getting. I have no idea why. He thinks its too big but really its not, both the one on Amelie's foot and the one on my back are the exact same size so obviously they aren't huge. He made me say I wasn't going to get another one, but I think I want one more. An ancient rune this time though. For remembrance.

I started a new book series. I'm thinking of doing a blog, another one, about the books I read. Kind of like I'm reviewing them or something. I read the Mortal Instruments series this weekend, 3 books, and I loved them so much. I'm reading them again. It's easily my favorite book series now.

So I'm ending this post with pictures of Stephane changing Ollie's diaper. Enjoy!

Monday, June 7, 2010


James Stanford Wiseman

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars?

So Ollie had his appointment at the hospital and it went well! They were very impressed with how much he moves and say he is on the brink of walking. For now they aren't going to do anything about his reflux, once he starts walking his stomach will do a half turn and that should help and once he starts drinking homo milk it will help as well. If after 1 year he still has reflux then they will do something. He now weighs 9 lbs 14 oz, so he is creeping higher in the percentile charts (around 35% I believe she said). He didn't gain much in length but he's already really long! And they also said that we could start giving him yogurt and cheese again and in two weeks if that goes good we will start transitioning him over to homogenized milk, which should also help with the reflux. And he is taking a sippy cup now! After 8 different cups we finally found one that Ollie can drink from!

My grandpa isn't doing well, he had to be moved to and end of life care facility on Friday and the nurses said that they don't think that he has much time left, a week at most. I'm not upset per say, I prepared myself for this when we found out he had cancer so I've said my piece with it I guess you could say. Stephane is coming to visit today, but he was only able to get a couple days off from work. I'm waiting to hear when his bus will be getting in because I am the one going and getting him from the station since my mom is sleeping in grandpa's room, so he will also be staying with us as well.

Amelie has her confirmation on June 19th. We are going to get her a gift, she is after all getting confirmed for us to be Olivier's godmother, but we aren't sure what, we were thinking a necklace or another kind of jewelery. We'll figure it out I guess.

And for the second night in a row Olivier slept the entire night in his bed, he woke up at 6.30 but that was because of Ruby, she was walking around the apartment crying. And he got his 3rd tooth last night too! The top right one smack dab in the center lol. Tomorrow he will start at his new daycare as well! We are excited, it seems much better than the place that he was at before and there are only 6 children there total and one other baby (I think she said that baby was 6 months old).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tell me something good

So it was my birthday last week. The big 2-7. We went to my moms on Sunday to celebrate, thats Ollie having his first taste of cake. He liked it, but he's picked up my sweet tooth so, really, its not that much of a surprise!

Tomorrow is his appointment at the hospital with the pediatrician, 9 am, hopefully we will know more about if he has reflux and what the next steps to take are, because at his age he really shouldn't have anymore reflux issues. My friend Dylan tells me I obsess about stuff too much and worry way too much so I'm going to try and wait and see what happens with the doctor before I start to obsess or worry, but honestly, it's easier said than done!

What else....? Oh our daycare sucks. Last week they told us that they would be closing for an indeterminate amount of time and that legally we had 30 days to find a new daycare. Today Jonathan dropped off the baby only to find out that now we only have until June 18, what happened to 30 days, I have no idea. Needless to say, we're screwed. Jonathan spent the whole day getting Ollie on waitlists for daycares while I slept because I was sick today. One we know we wont get into for sure because we are considered level 4 priority for that daycare and they are having a hard time placing people on level 2. The others we will just have to wait and see.

Now I will end this post with a few pictures! Yay!