Thursday, February 4, 2010

How'd you do that?


So yesterday was kinda uneventful but eventful at the same time. Ollie fussed all afternoon and then when Jonathan got home from work we went to Costco because we needed to get stuff like kleenex and toilet paper etc. Ollie threw up 2 times, I had to take him to the bathroom the second time to clean him up *note to self: bring kleenex with you everywhere* When we were paying at the cash he completely charmed the cashier and he gave a pout as we left, silly boy. We got home and I took Ollie out of all of his gross thrown up on close and just put him in his crib in his diaper so I could wash the dishes. Afterward I went to check on him before starting the laundry and I found him, diaper undone, the little bugger undid it lol. I of course took a picture and he couldn't have looked any prouder.

The first picture I posted I had been trying to get a picture of Ollie while he was fussing, I don't have any and I want one! But wouldn't you know my sneak attack wouldn't work because as soon as he saw the camera he was all smiles!

Today is supposed to  be another nice day (not a cloud in the sky as I look out the window) so Ollie and I are taking a walk to go and let him pick out his present for Auntie Amélie's birthday this weekend!

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