Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sleep you say? I don't know that word, what does it mean?

 As the title of this entry implies I am not sleeping. Ollie is sleeping (for the most part) but I am not. Why you ask. Because my son cries in his sleep. But there is no difference between his awake cry and his asleep cry so I have to get up and check and make sure he isn't awake. Last night I had a grand total of 2.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep because every 20 minutes or so he would cry. He even got up 2 times between 10 and 11 last night which is pretty rare now. Ollie woke up for the day at 5.30 and I had 3 cups of coffee by 7.30 when he fell asleep for a nap. 

Not a whole lot has happened in the last 2 weeks (I hadn't realised how long it had been since I wrote!) the Olympics have started (yay!!) so we've been watching that non-stop only watching other things when we have certain shows (like survivor, amazing race and greys anatomy) to watch. I've seen all the medal winners live as they happen and we were quite excited when Canada finally got its first gold at home, in one of my favorite sports to watch. I think Ollie is going to be an alpine skier because we were watching the downhill a few days ago and he was sitting there on the floor with me and kept raising his arms in victory! I thought it was pretty cute. He did it again watching the men's first hockey game but only once or twice so I think his destiny is to be a skier. 

We are going to start collecting the special coin collections for Ollie, starting with the Olympic ones, I already ordered his free collector coin card from the Mint and tomorrow me and Ollie are walking to the Royal Bank just up the street from us to get his coins! My parents and grandparents collected for us when we were younger and I have a few sets at my dads still that I think I am going to give to the baby so he'll have a pretty good collection!

I go back to work in a little over a month and I am dreading it. I want to stay home with Ollie. I am going to go into my work next week and talk to them and see if there is a way for me to work days during the week and thats it, maybe the occasional weekend, once a month I wouldn't mind, and have holidays off, but I don't think they will go for it, so I guess I am going to be looking for a new job. If I must work (and I really do have to, we can't afford for me not to work, even thought half of my salary will go to daycare, fingers crossed we can find a cheap place or if Chantal moves here she can watch him, we'd pay her of course, because I would feel a million times more comfortable with her watching him than with some stranger I don't know watching him) I want to be able to spend time with BOTH Jonathan and Olivier at the same time, not end up with Olivier spending time with just one of us at a time. Today or tomorrow I am going to try and send my resume to some agencies. Plus I am going to be doing some classes part time as well, in the evening, the new course calendar comes out on Mar 16th so I will be able to see what is available in April.  

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