Friday, July 9, 2010

You're hot like the summer heat.

So. Hot. OMG. Gatineau/Ottawa has been breaking records all week with this heat. It's unbearable. Beyond unbearable. We were hitting 44 with humidity easily. In the kitchen it was worse. Much worse. On Tuesday evening for the dinner shift I got a 61 on the temp in the kitchen. I wanted to die. It actually felt like I was in Hell, literally. Actually, scratch that, I'm sure Hell wasn't that hot, Hell probably felt the Arctic compared to here.

I had my chiro appointment yesterday. I came away from that appointment with several things.
  1. Chiropractors should be employed by the US to interrogate terror suspects. That was painful! I have an 8-10 inch bruise on my lower back from a 10 minute treatment yesterday! I was almost crying, if it had been my friend Rahim doing the treatment I'm sure I would have cried and then kicked him in the shins lol.
  2. I have 2 problems so far. One with a tiny joint at the bottom of my lumbar, when I move in certain ways it either is pinching a nerve, disc or cartilage. The other is with my hip. I didn't quite understand that one, but usually the two things go hand in hand
  3. I have to get xrays to make sure there is nothing major wrong.
  4. I need to go back for at least 6 more visits and an adjustment (if my xrays are clear) which means lotsa $$$
 I got dropped off downtown kind of early for my appointment but I knew if I took Jonathan and the baby home I wouldn't have made it home on time with all the construction going on around the city. So I got some Starbucks (blended light caramel frappuccino) and wandered around Chapters for little before heading off to the Aulde Dubliner to see Jenn for a few minutes. We chatted a little and then I headed off for my appointment. It was hot so I didn't want to walk too fast so I wandered through the market and wound up at one of the stages for the BluesFest and the Stereos were doing their sound check for their show that night, and its free so I got to hear a few songs. I love a few of their songs, and got to hear one (Summer Girl) so that was fun.

Olivier is full blown walking on his own now! I missed it too, I was at work, Jonathan texted me on Tuesday night to tell me. I haven't gotten video of it, he gets excited when he sees the camera so he falls over. And he's teething, yet again, we think its molars this time, or Jonathan does anyways.

On Wednesday night Chantal and I went and saw Eclipse! It was so so so good. Way better than the first by far and better than New Moon as well. It followed the book although there were a few very minor parts I wish that they hadn't cut but nothing major, I know that sometimes things just don't fit or theres not enough time. I am going to see it again though, on Sunday with my Aunt Debbie and with my mother. We are going to see it in IMAX which I cannot wait for. After having seen it I know that its going to be amazing in IMAX, plus a 6 story high Edward? Who wouldn't love that, right?

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