Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I need another story...Tell me what you want to hear...

So first off let me just say that my baby is no longer a baby, but a full blown toddler. He's walking, semi talking and just had his first birthday. This year really did fly by. When I was pregnant the time seemed so long and then just went to warp speed when Ollie was born. Insane.

We had his first (of two) birthday parties on Saturday with my mom, grandma, Marc-Andre, Amelie, Chantal, Tony and Tristan and Kylie. We had cake and snacks and had lots of fun, not doing much, just sitting around talking and playing with the kids and it went by quickly.

This weekend coming up is Ollie's baptism, and everyone is going to be there from all sides of the family, mine and Jonathans. So it will be a long but fun weekend I think. The first time everyone will be together. Can we say stress?

Ok now that all that is out of the way. Ugh. I am seriously over my job and work. I need a change. And soon. Otherwise I may go insane. I love the people I work with and the residents but if I stay there much longer I will end up in the loony bin I think. And I like my sanity (or whatever sanity I may have lol). I need a regular job, a 9-5, Monday to Friday type deal. With vacation time I can actually take without being made to feel bad, and sick days and holidays off. Oh and a lunch time where I can actually sit and eat hot food rather than eating standing up while I work. It's totally depressing. And then I have sick days but if I call in sick, someone is stuck working a 12 hour shift so I technically can't call in sick and if I take vacation time its the same thing. I need a change. A shake up. And a new hair color. Maybe that will help for the short term.

Olivier has his 1 year appointment tomorrow. I had my xrays for my back today and a chiro appointment tomorrow. We'll see what happens at both.

When I get older, I will be stronger

Friday, July 9, 2010

You're hot like the summer heat.

So. Hot. OMG. Gatineau/Ottawa has been breaking records all week with this heat. It's unbearable. Beyond unbearable. We were hitting 44 with humidity easily. In the kitchen it was worse. Much worse. On Tuesday evening for the dinner shift I got a 61 on the temp in the kitchen. I wanted to die. It actually felt like I was in Hell, literally. Actually, scratch that, I'm sure Hell wasn't that hot, Hell probably felt the Arctic compared to here.

I had my chiro appointment yesterday. I came away from that appointment with several things.
  1. Chiropractors should be employed by the US to interrogate terror suspects. That was painful! I have an 8-10 inch bruise on my lower back from a 10 minute treatment yesterday! I was almost crying, if it had been my friend Rahim doing the treatment I'm sure I would have cried and then kicked him in the shins lol.
  2. I have 2 problems so far. One with a tiny joint at the bottom of my lumbar, when I move in certain ways it either is pinching a nerve, disc or cartilage. The other is with my hip. I didn't quite understand that one, but usually the two things go hand in hand
  3. I have to get xrays to make sure there is nothing major wrong.
  4. I need to go back for at least 6 more visits and an adjustment (if my xrays are clear) which means lotsa $$$
 I got dropped off downtown kind of early for my appointment but I knew if I took Jonathan and the baby home I wouldn't have made it home on time with all the construction going on around the city. So I got some Starbucks (blended light caramel frappuccino) and wandered around Chapters for little before heading off to the Aulde Dubliner to see Jenn for a few minutes. We chatted a little and then I headed off for my appointment. It was hot so I didn't want to walk too fast so I wandered through the market and wound up at one of the stages for the BluesFest and the Stereos were doing their sound check for their show that night, and its free so I got to hear a few songs. I love a few of their songs, and got to hear one (Summer Girl) so that was fun.

Olivier is full blown walking on his own now! I missed it too, I was at work, Jonathan texted me on Tuesday night to tell me. I haven't gotten video of it, he gets excited when he sees the camera so he falls over. And he's teething, yet again, we think its molars this time, or Jonathan does anyways.

On Wednesday night Chantal and I went and saw Eclipse! It was so so so good. Way better than the first by far and better than New Moon as well. It followed the book although there were a few very minor parts I wish that they hadn't cut but nothing major, I know that sometimes things just don't fit or theres not enough time. I am going to see it again though, on Sunday with my Aunt Debbie and with my mother. We are going to see it in IMAX which I cannot wait for. After having seen it I know that its going to be amazing in IMAX, plus a 6 story high Edward? Who wouldn't love that, right?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The rest is still unwritten

So this past week was Canada Day and my mom's birthday. She wanted to celebrate at the cottage so off we all went, trekking out to the middle of nowhere's to spend a few days at the cottage. My mom, Amelie, Don and Grandma went up on Wednesday, but since I was working on Thursday me, Jonathan, Olivier and Marc-Andre went on Thursday after I got off work. We had lots of fun. We showed up around supper time, with the cake (which is a whole other story) and bags in hand. Ollie had a blast and didn't want to sleep. He woke up around midnight screaming. Finally we got him back to sleep but he didn't sleep well at all. The next morning he was congested too. On Friday we went into Maniwaki to pick up a few things, lets just say I was less than impressed with Maniwaki, their Canadian Tire was smaller than the pharmacy for crying out loud! And how people can survive without a WalMart is beyond me. While we were in Maniwaki we (me, Don and Amelie) were just supposed to pick up a little pool for Olivier, some graham crackers, chocolate, Kleenex with lotion for the baby, a magazine for Amelie and a head band for me...200$ and 2 hours later we were on our back to the cottage lol. We were a little disappointed by the pool. The picture on the box made it look big, this was a tiny little pool, but it served its purpose and Olivier had fun in it.

While Olivier took his nap me and Amelie went fishing off the end of the dock. I was getting discouraged after she had caught her 2nd fish and I had caught none. That was until I hooked something. At first I thought I had just gotten caught on the bottom but then Amelie, who had stood up by this point, started screaming I had a fish. So then we started screaming for Marc-Andre to come down and help us since me and Amelie, we don't fish. I ended up getting a big bass, at least 3 lbs, closer to 4 lbs. We got a few pictures then let him go.

That night Olivier woke up again screaming. This time he was tugging his ear. We didn't want to go to the ER in Maniwaki. Not at all. ER's usually mean a 14 hour wait minimum, so not what we wanted to do. But off we went anyways, back to Maniwaki. We pulled up to the was empty. There were 2 people in the waiting room, both healthy and watching the FIFA World Cup. Okay then. We waited a total of 20 minutes, including our assessment time, before we were walking out of the hospital with a prescription for antibiotics for Ollie's ear infection. Let me just say that 1. the dr was a jerk. He never spoke to me, only to Jonathan and when Olivier threw up after he looked in his throat, I caught it in my hand so he wouldn't get covered in milk vomit, and the dr didn't even give me a kleenex, he just washed his hands and that was it. and 2. he doesn't deal with kids often, he practically had Jonathan holding the baby in a headlock to look in his ears and mouth.

The next day, Saturday, we came home, bringing Amelie with us. We had a few errands to run and wanted a day to relax before going back to work. And we went and saw Chantal and Tony as well at their new house so we had a great long weekend!