Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Jail


So we lowered Oliviers mattress this weekend, it looks like he's in baby jail when he sits up, it's kinda cute! He wasn't sure at first but now I think he prefers it. When I put him in there so I can get stuff done or go on the computer to check my email he can see better because the bumper is down low and not blocking his view anymore.

Tonight we went and saw a daycare, in home. I didn't want in home but since no centers have called us yet (we're on the waitlist....since Ollie was born) it looks like we have to go with in home for now. Honestly I doubt that I will like anyone as much as I probably should. Ollie liked Habiba and her husband and their 3 daughters, he didn't cry or fuss once when she took him or when Jonathan and I both left the room, which is good because he cries when my mom or Gandma Wiseman even look at him for the first hour, then he lets my mom take him, but not my grandma. If they take us then he will start next week with two mornings. We should know in 48 hours if we have been chosen. But I told Jonathan I still want to keep looking, I would much rather him in a center than in an in home daycare.

Ollie had a play date last week with Lilly again. She's gotten big! She's a month and a half younger than Ollie but is the same size and just looks older. She sure knows how to make the boys cry though! All she had to do was play with a toy dog and make him talk and Ollie was screeching his head off, which in turn made Lilly freak out, and then Ollie freak out get the picture. Somehow I only managed to get a picture of Lilly crying though.

And its getting really nice and warm outside. We've gone for several walks over the last few days, its gotten up to 9 or higher most of the time. I got a few good pictures from mine and Ollie's first walk in the nice weather.


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