Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hello, my name is Joe, its nice to meet ya

Ugh! What a long day yesterday was! It was so draining. Last week my mom called me and told me she had to go back in for heart surgery yesterday. So me, Olivier and Amélie went and spent the morning with her at the hospital until she was supposed to be taken away. She went late, because of an emergency, so we were there for about 5 hours. Ollie discovered a new toy he loves, empty coffee cups. He was making all kinds of noises in them. He was really good, whenever he fussed we would go and take a walk around the floor, he would smile at the nurses and doctors, a few patients and even the two corrections officers who were there for a prisoner with heart problems were smiling at him. The surgery went well, only took 5 hours this time, rather than the 8 it took last time. I think she is getting out of the hospital today, if not then most likely tomorrow. While we were there me and Amélie decided we are going to get matching tattoo's too. I was thinking greek for live.laugh.love. or maybe a group of stars, she wants it on her foot and i want it on my wrist.

Ollie is at daycare right now, for the first time. He's only doing a half day, so I will be going and getting him in about an hour and 45 minutes. Jonathan was super stressed this morning doing it and I wanted to smack him because he was stressing me out more. I almost cried but I didn't. Ollie went with no problems, he was smiling and everything. They have 7 kids (another baby will  be going in a couple months) and there is an 8 month old little girl who is there, Chloé, so Ollie has a little baby his age to play with which is nice.

Here are a few pictures we took yesterday at the hospital and then 3 others that i took the other day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Jail


So we lowered Oliviers mattress this weekend, it looks like he's in baby jail when he sits up, it's kinda cute! He wasn't sure at first but now I think he prefers it. When I put him in there so I can get stuff done or go on the computer to check my email he can see better because the bumper is down low and not blocking his view anymore.

Tonight we went and saw a daycare, in home. I didn't want in home but since no centers have called us yet (we're on the waitlist....since Ollie was born) it looks like we have to go with in home for now. Honestly I doubt that I will like anyone as much as I probably should. Ollie liked Habiba and her husband and their 3 daughters, he didn't cry or fuss once when she took him or when Jonathan and I both left the room, which is good because he cries when my mom or Gandma Wiseman even look at him for the first hour, then he lets my mom take him, but not my grandma. If they take us then he will start next week with two mornings. We should know in 48 hours if we have been chosen. But I told Jonathan I still want to keep looking, I would much rather him in a center than in an in home daycare.

Ollie had a play date last week with Lilly again. She's gotten big! She's a month and a half younger than Ollie but is the same size and just looks older. She sure knows how to make the boys cry though! All she had to do was play with a toy dog and make him talk and Ollie was screeching his head off, which in turn made Lilly freak out, and then Ollie freak out more....you get the picture. Somehow I only managed to get a picture of Lilly crying though.

And its getting really nice and warm outside. We've gone for several walks over the last few days, its gotten up to 9 or higher most of the time. I got a few good pictures from mine and Ollie's first walk in the nice weather.


Monday, March 1, 2010

What's a girl to do?

Soooooo. I'm getting the itch again! No not the baby itch (although to be honest I've had that for several months already! Shhhhhh don't tell anyone) I'm getting the tattoo itch. I want a new one! I guess its true what they say, once you get one its hard to stop! This time I want one on my wrist, or inner forearm. Nothing big, but not tiny either. And I was thinking of getting a maple leaf along the hair line on the back of my neck. I've always been a proud Canadian (more than most some of my friends say) and I've always thought of getting it but never did. Oh well we shall see what I'll get, I may end up having to wait until my birthday when I get the money, but I would much rather get it sooner than later! But the big thing I need to figure out is WHAT TO GET? I have a few ideas in mind that I'm mulling about, things I've been thinking about for a few years but never got

Hockey Nation Supremacy!





I think the pictures say it all! I think pretty much everyone in the country was proud to be a Canadian over the last 2 weeks but not more than yesterday when we proved that we were the best! Way to go Canada! PLUS we beat the record for most golds in one winter games by a country! Talk about a great games!

I also wanted to add that I think many athletes need to learn a bit of sportsmanship, sulking when you are receiving a silver or bronze medal is not okay (Got that US athletes AND Dale Begg Smith?). Thank you and that is all.