Monday, October 25, 2010

All I want now is to be with you

So I officially detest ear infections with a passion. It looks like Olivier is not over his infection (the latest one) yet, while he isn't crying, he is continually pulling on his ears. All. The. Time. Poor little guy. I'm going to try and get Jonathan to call the doctors today to take him in and get checked because the poor boy needs to have some decent amount of time without his ears hurting. And we wont be able to make our appointment with the ENT until mid-November. I just want my happy baby back, the one who doesn't scream and pull his ears. I'm pretty sure his whining lately is because of his ears. Like 95% sure.

Last week was my first week at my new job and it went great! This week will be my first week at my actual store. I trained at the La Senza in Gatineau since we don't have a manager at mine so this week I am finally in my store. It sucks a little because I got used to the girls at the other store and now I have to get used to these girls now. The manager who trained me will be spending 2 days a week at my store for a few weeks to help me adjust since apparently my store is....a bit of a mess apparently. Or something like that. This way I'm not too overwhelmed going in and end up quitting because they like me apparently lol. I laugh because it's now weird to be liked and wanted where you are working. And that's sad, because I used to love working at my old job. Oh well, its their loss!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I've got the magic in me

My poor, poor sweet baby. He's sick. Again. I swear its never ending. This past month has been his worst month yet, by far. Three ear infections. Before you go like, Whaaaa? Three? I thought he had one that wouldn't go away? Well let me explain. Let's start with today's events shall we? Because I just had a peachy keen day, how about you? I hope you can smell that sarcasm a mile away. Saturday and Sunday Olivier was the happiest baby on the face of the planet. Laughing his head off, being a little devil and just being happy to not be in pain anymore. Well it lasted less than 48 hours after his last does of antibiotics. Then, at 1 am last night, he woke up. Crying. Again. Pulling his ears. Again. So at 7 we packed up, dropped Jonathan off at work and off Ollie and I went to CHEO to get this taken care of ASAP. Again. We went through registration just fine (although the intake nurse was the same as last time and I was not fond of her). Then we waited, not too long, but long enough. Finally a doctor came in. Well a first year resident. I swear to god it was his first day out of med school. He did the usual, asking questions (he asked the same question 5 times and I repeated 5 times, before he would realize I answered his questions) and then he looked in Olivier's ears. First he said the right side was a little pink with a little fluid. Not bad though. Then came the left which I was sure he was going to jump back from in terror. Oh no, there was a wax buildup. So off he went to talk to his boss then came back to clean it out. Sooooo didn't work so he went off to get the stuff he needed to flush it. Partly worked so then he tried the scraper again. And he did it, but managed to cut Olivier in the process and his ear was bleeding all day because of it. So now he had a clear view. Nothing, just a little bit of fluid but nothing else so it was fine. Hmmmm, this didn't sit well with me. Olivier is not a generally fussy baby. He's a happy baby who doesn't wine or complain or cry for no reason. We weren't getting antibiotics or an ENT referral. As soon as I was in the parking lot I was planning on calling his doctor, who's office was open by this time. I called 10 minutes later and left a message, by the time I got home and Ollie down for a nap (literally took 2 minutes since he was exhausted) the phone was ringing, not his doctor, her receptionist making an appointment in 30 minutes time. Usually Dr Besner calls and asks questions to determine if she needs to see Olivier, she didn't do that this time, he was going in ASAP. One look in each ear, and my little man has a double ear infection and a referral to an ENT. So much for CHEO saying he was fine and didn't need anything. Olivier is now on his third round of antibiotics in a month, each time a different one since the amoxil has no effect on him anymore, and the clavulin didn't really work either. As she talked with me she said she is taking each time we saw someone as a separate ear infection because each time a different ear was affected than the last time. Or in his case, 2 times he had both ears infected. My poor baby, if we had waited 2 more days like the resident said he would have been in so much pain because Dr Besner was like, If his ears look this bad after only a few hours of showing symptoms imagine in two days? At the hospital we didn't even see the actual doctor, he never went to check the residents diagnosis. Idiots. But at least now we are going to be seeing someone who may be able to help Olivier.

I quit my job on Friday! Why you ask? Well I got the job at La Senza! Yay for me! I start tomorrow, my training is in Gatineau, and then next week I will be at the store that is a 5 minute walk from my house. I can go outside on the porch and see the store. I'm so excited! I was so happy to quit Domain des Trembles, you really have no idea. It was just a horrible place to be. The management didn't care at all about the employees, they played favorites all the time, if they didn't like you, or you had a mind of your own and thought on your own, you were in the dog house at every occasion. There was a server who left this week and I know of at least 3 or 4 other people who are looking for other jobs and are interviewing. I felt sad leaving on Friday though, it was a place I used to love working so much and I really did love the residents, I just couldn't work for Allegro anymore. But I'm moving on and up!

On Sunday we went for a walk with Chantal, Tony and the kids and Amelie came with us. This is the second weekend in a row we've walked from the Gatineau side over to the Byward Market and spent the morning there, usually about 3 or 4 hours I think, yesterday we started at 9.30 and got back to the car at around 1.30. We had a ton of fun and Olivier got his halloween costume! A Dalmatian, from Old Navy. He looks cute. We just put it on him quickly to make sure it fit (it was a 6-12 months, but the boy is so small, and he lost weight in the last week too, about a pound, from being sick off of the clavulin) so I snapped a few pictures.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Take a breath, take it deep

Ugh. I feel like I'm on a never ending roller coaster which always winds me back up at CHEO. I was back there on Friday night with Ollie. Stupid ear infection. We aren't sure if it just never went away or if it's a new one. The last time we were there they said he may end up needing tubes. Well Friday we got a new antibiotic, Clavulin, which is a double antibiotic, it also has amoxicillian in it, well last night Ollie started to have diarrhea, which is a side effect, but they said if it gets severe or watery then thats not good. Well guess what it was straight from the start? Ugh poor baby. So now we are going back tomorrow. I want to see the ENT while we are there, to see if there can be anything done or what the circumstances are for tubes because its not fun for him to be on antibiotics every month almost or in pain, which I'm pretty sure he's starting to adjust to having.

Last week I had a couple job interviews. One with Masha Krupp which does translation. My interview was just for admin stuff and I thought it went really well, and she said by Friday I would hear something. Well we are Monday and nothing. I'm disappointed, since the woman said she really liked me. Then on Friday I had another one with La Senza for an assistant manager position. That one went well too. But of course as the rest of the day wore on and I didn't get a call from Masha Krupp when I thought that went well  I was wondering if La Senza was going to be the same thing. Until last night. I was on Facebook and one of my old bosses (well the only one I have on Facebook lol) messaged me to say he had gotten a call on Friday (right after my interview) for a reference check, so maybe I really did do a good job. I know its not a sit down job but its good for now, to get out of where I am, plus the salary and hours are decent and the benefits and the fact that its a 5 minute walk from my front door. I can see the back of the store looking out the door actually. I was told mid week so hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday and the job I believe will start next week. I can't wait to quit my job now. If I get the job I'm not going for my shifts on Saturday or Sunday. Screw that. lol.

Oh and the most devastating thing happened last week. Ollie got his first hair cut *sobs*. It's not long anymore. It's too short. Of course I lost out on the whole opinion thing, almost every one in our families was like he needs it cut! So it was either me taking him in or getting home from work one day and finding Jonathan got it cut, at least this way I could keep it from getting too short. But still. I miss his long hair :(