Thursday, August 5, 2010

'Cause it goes on and on and on

So its been a busy few weeks here in our house (or condo, you get my drift) so I haven't had time to update really. First I would just like to say that the month of July was not kind to my poor little booter. First of the month he got his ear infection. On his birthday he got an eye infection. And on his baptism week he got sick again. Wednesday last week I got a call at work from Ollie's daycare, he had a fever, they wanted to make sure it was okay to give him tylenol. When I went to get him after I was done she told me he had diarrhea as well. I thought he was teething. That day he pooped 3 more times and his fever creeped higher. Thursday I stayed home with him. He got worse throughout the day. Friday we went to the doctors. She thought it was just a case of the stomach flu but said if he wasn't feeling better by the next day to take him to the hospital to get checked out because it could be something else. Normally the stomach flu doesn't last that long or have such a high temperature. Next day I was stalling on the hospital. I hate going to the hospital. But I had just taken Ollie's temperature and he pooped pure water onto his change table. Off to the hospital I went, Jonathan stayed home, he was now getting the flu. Lovely. I decided CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) was the best bet. I got there and over all we waited less than 2 hours and were out the door. With a diagnosis of stomach flu. They said if he wasn't better Monday to bring him back. He had his fever longer than expected and higher than expected. Not long after we got home Ollie was feeling better. He was playing and having fun and his fever was GONE. So that evening I went to my Aunt Lises house since my dad was there with my stepmom, sister, grandma, and his other sister and a couple of my cousins were going as well. It was going to be the first time all 3 great grandchildren were going to be together. He was fine for almost 3 hours when I noticed Olivier getting warm. I left right away hoping to head off the fever. No such luck. We got the highest temperature to date. Lovely. Next morning he was still warm but not bad. As the morning went on, it went away. I decided to take Ollie out for some fresh air and we went for a walk at Lac Leamy, to watch the finals for the water ski jumping in the Jeux du Quebec. We were there a little over an hour and headed back home. As soon as we got home he started getting warm again. Lovely. That night we thought Ollie's fever had FINALLY broken. At 4.30 I woke up to change a diaper and he wasn't warm, at all. 5 he woke up crying, with a high fever again. WTF. So we gave him some tylenol, a bottle and I procrastinated on the hospital again. Finally I decided to get it over with and back to CHEO we went. Less than an hour later we were out the door again, this time with the diagnosis of Hand, Foot and Mouth. No daycare while a fever is present. Lovely. And this time I actually mean it. I stayed home from work Wed and today with Ollie (and during the day Monday and Tuesday but I worked the evening shift). He was a total crankpot today but I would so rather deal with that than go  back to work tomorrow. But I know his babysitter misses him. She has called me twice asking how he is and whenever I call to tell her he wont be there that she says she misses him and is sad not to see him. I now officially love his babysitter to death.

Other than that not much else except family family and more family! I'll try and post some pics and a better update tomorrow after work.

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