Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's getting dark, and all too quiet, and I can't trust anything right now

No he's not  scared, Olivier likes playing peek a boo. I have a picture of him right after this laughing his head off....although it looks like he's crying....I know everyone wants to hear about Olivier's first Halloween, but honestly it wasn't very eventful. We went out to visit a few family members houses and thats about it. He got spoiled, and learned quickly what he had to do, but it was like every other Halloween I guess. Although, my unbiased opinion is, Olivier was the cutest little Dalmatian ever.

Um....We had Olivier's appointment with the ENT on Moday. Big waste of time. We were in and out of the office in 5 minutes. And the doctor is doing nothing except making us go back on November 29. Seriously. I was not happy and highly disappointed. Other than that I am not in the mood to write much more. Nothing has really happened that is interesting. I've been working loads and I feel like I'm never home. It's weird going from working 3 days a week to 5 and working long shifts too rather than just rinky dinky 4 hour ones. But I love working at La Senza so thats good.